025. 'to the world I close my eyes to see'

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"You may be right,

 you may be wrong"

          IN SPITE OF EVERYTHING THE world had given her, Dodie D'Amour always had a wide expectation of it. She believed that while rubbish was what she was given as a prize for her efforts of living, she knew that there was something better waiting for her. She just wasn't sure when that would be revealed to her.

But as she fluttered her eyes open at that moment, she felt as though, for a split-second, the nightmare-ish reality she had lived for practically fifteen years felt almost... surreal.


Those real memories felt nothing but a dream.

"...ia — Mia!"

Dodie gasped as she woke up with a great start. In a room painted in pastel pink, morning sunlight streamed through the window, kissing her skin, casting an eerie, dreamlike glow as the sounds of the familiar bustles of the city resonated all throughout. Dodie's gaze flitted around the room, taking in the star-stickered award rack in the corner and the canvases of unfinished paintings adorning the walls. It was her room, but everything felt subtly askew.

She blinked. She wanted to ask herself: What the hell happened? Yet, not a sound could come out through her lips. It was odd. It was a bit scary in a way.

"Honestly," At that, Dodie whipped her head around and found herself staring at the doorway so naturally. A woman was standing there; she was a pretty woman who looked to be at least in her early thirties perhaps. She was regal in all sense, yet held a warm disposition that almost seemed unfamiliar.

Dodie couldn't believe her eyes — no, it simply felt too unreal to her. She couldn't believe the milky fingers that were running through those luxurious black hair that resembled the night. She couldn't believe the pure hazels that spoke thousands of wisdom and devotion looking at her — it was unreal. It was surreal. But it felt too real. Dodie heart pounded harshly against her ribcage as the woman smiled.

"I've told you last night already, Mia! You're supposed to be off to school in a hurry. I can't drive you every day, you know?" she tutted, but it sounded more playful than a chastise.

But Dodie couldn't speak, not a sound could come out of her as she stared at the woman.

Was this real? Was this actually real?

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now