first c rank mission

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Sorry for not updating for so long I am in 10th so I was giving exams please sorry

Welcome to the world of d rank mission

Ever since Naruto hear that he and his team get irritated they were nothing but chore like baby sitting .
Picking weeds painting fences and more it had been six weeks since they were doing this kind of things or chores

Now they done a Mission in which they had to catch Tora or demon cat which Naruto named it as she run away thirty time

Naruto : come in jiji give us some higher mission

Sakura and sayuri also nodded with him beacuse they also wanted a higher mission

Hiruzen: Naruto no you can't get any higher mission beacause ....

Then hiruzen explain that there are 4 types of mission and they are fresh genin so they will only get d rank missions but when he open his eyes he saw that they were listening to Naruto and his ramen story

Hiruzen: are you even listening to me!..

Naruto: come on old man give us higher mission we can take it !

Kakashi: yes hokage sama I agree with Naruto they can handle a c rank mission

Hiruzen sighed in defeat and call the old client tazuna who was a bridge builder and an old drunken man to

tazuna: the bunch of kids going to save me specially that blond hair kid suddenly the room temperature go cold and everyone shiver . They see Naruto has a sweet smile decoring his face

Naruto: do you want to say something tazuna san

Tazuna shivered and nodded his head no and then Kakashi said that they will meet in 2 hour at the village gate

2 hours later

Naruto Sakura and sayuri arrived at the gate with tazuna and was waiting for Kakashi to come and there was magic and Kakashi come early

Naruto : sensei you come early are you ok !

Kakashi sweatdroppd at his student antics and tell that he can be early if he want

Kakashi: ok let's go

Naruto : yeah first c rank mission !

Then tazuna ask Kakashi that he will be safe or not Kakashi reassured him saying that he is jonin and will save him

This was only the starting of the adventure in life of Naruto

And today is our Naruto's birthday 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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