chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Author's pov

"Should i move on already" pond ask himself he's already empty, alone " should i take an therapis and flew to America? Should i finish college there and go live with mom and dad

Palm called phuwin and told him to book an airplane to America " you sure palm ?" Phuwin ask " yes phi i can't take it any more " palm reply with sadness

                           At nueng

Nueng's pov

This guy keeps coming back to my dreams like he's haunting me ben said i should take therapy i decided to take one

" hey doc so I've been seeing this guy on my dreams every time "  i said to doc while holding my head " do you had an accident or an crash, something like that "  doc said to me while writting in her pad paper

" yes do i had an accident they said i was shot in the chest " i said " well do you remeber anything that night " doc keep questioning me " no doc its like my memories had been vanish " i said

" well that is might be the cause of it the memory is slowing to came back and about the guy in your dream do you have an lover before this accident happen "

doc ask i just nodded " there was this guy that keeps saying that am his lover and that guy was the man that is always in my dreams " i said trying to remember the man's face " ok the man that keeps appearing in your dream was your past lover and your head is trying to make your memories to came back i will suggest an medecine and it will ease down the headache " doc said while she wrote me an doctor's prescription

" thanks doc " after the session i quickly left the building went to the man i saw in my dream when i went up there  no one was there not even an single soul i saw all of his things were pack like he was leaving

I got an headache again so i left went home i took the med and he appeared in my mind again

★hi its me again im so so sorry for the wait anyway enjoy the chapter rak na jub jub 💋💋

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