Way Through Creation

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The moment Agni took away the seed, Parvati realised that something was wrong and she opened her eyes and saw that their seed was missing. She looked around but there was nothing. Suddenly, she saw a dove leaving their cave. She got suspicious so she closed her eyes and used her divine vision and saw that the dove was Agni. She opened her eyes in fury and stormed out of the cave while Shiva remained still. Parvati came out of the cave and was surprised to see all the dieties present there.

"What are you all doing here? Have you seen Agni Dev? " She asked but nobody answered her. Then she realised it.

"Everyone of you were involved in this, isn't it? You sent Agni Dev inside. You took my child away from me!" She screamed.

"Mata, it was for the safety of your child only that we had to take him away. Tarakasur is on his way to Kailash" Indra managed to say. Parvati glared at him.

"Safety? You don't think that we are capable of protecting our child? Tarakasur couldn't have done anything. It is actually your insecurity that brought you here."

"Narayani! Calm down, sister. Try to understand why the Devas did this" Vishnu tried to reason with her.

"You are saying this? You are my brother! I just lost the chance of having my child. And you are siding with them and telling me to calm down!"

Parvati's words made everyone silent. No one could meet her eyes.

"I will not forgive anyone. You all will be punished!" She said as her eyes turned red and her hair started to blow in the wind. Then she opened her third eye.

"I curse all of you that just like due to your insecurity, I lost the chance to me a mother, you will never be able to have biological children of your own as well. Your wives won't be able to bear children by you!"

Her thunderous voice echoed as her words pierced the hearts of the dieties present there. By then, Shiva had also come out of the cave and witnessed everything. Parvati still couldn't calm down.

"And Agni! You entered our private moment without our concent and stole my child. I curse you as well that you will burn anything that you come in contact with. You will always be surrounded by black smoke and people will fear you. You will become Sarvabhuk. "

Parvati was fuming. Shiva softly came behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Uma, calm down. Whatever has happened, has happened for a reason."

"Calm down! That's what you have to say?" Parvati turned around to meet Shiva. He quietly assured her with her eyes that everything will be fine. His gaze actually calmed her down. She took a deep breath and steading herself, she closed her third eye. As her anger calmed down, the pain in her heart slowly start to come about as tears. Glancing once at Shiva, Parvati ran inside the cave.

"Uma!" Shiva called out but before he could stop her, she was gone.

"Prabhu, please forgive us. I hope you understand why did such a thing" Indra said.

Now Shiva turned to them angrily.

"Devraj! What you did is beyond forgiveness. Not only did you defy my orders to not let anyone in but also had the courage to take away my seed. You should understand that what you did was a crime. I did not expect this behavior from you."

"Please don't say this, Mahadev. We are truly repentent. Please save us from Mata Parvati's curse" said Varun.

"I cannot reverse Shakti's curse because you deserve this punishment but as you have come under my surrender, I will reduce it's effect. Agni will suffer through eternal burning but he will purify anything he touches. And you, even though you cannot have biological children, you will still be able to have offsprings in other ways" Shiva said and then went inside as well.

When he went inside, he could hear the stifled sobs of Parvati and saw her siting by the water stream.


His voice startled Parvati and she got up and turned around. Her face was red and stained with tears. Shiva gently held her face and wiped her tears.

"Your words failed, Mahadev. You had promised that I will be able to give birth to our child but look at us now! We have lost our chance to even have a child."

Shiva held her shoulders, "I can understand what you are going through, Uma. I can feel your pain. But you have to stay strong. You cannot break down like this."

"I lost my child and I have to stay calm? I cannot. I need some time alone. Please."

Understanding that Parvati needed some time to herself, Shiva left the cave.

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