Chapter 5

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optimus pov


All of us looked up to see a femme cybertronian with what looks to be like bat or dragon like wings flying just above Megatron staring down at him with anger.


???: I'll will kill you for everything you have done to me and my family...

An just like, that Megatron anger grew and so he threw the single shard of dark energon to the ground as a pale purple like mist is all around on the ground. When the shard hit the ground, the energon began to spread, finding every last dead cybertronian.

Megatron: Rise, my army!

As many zombies like cybertronian began to rise from the ground all around us and without noticing the unknown femme had landed behind me and Ratchet whispering in an unknown language.

Megatron: Behold..... the power of dark energy!

And just before anything could happen, a lapis blue color dome surrounded me and Ratchet, and to finally notice the unknown femme was behind both of us.... the moonstone around their neck cables.....


Optimus pov

The moonstone around their neck..... but how Makoto was the last one to have the moonstone. So why does this Cybertronian have it instead of her.

Ratchet: Who are you!?

???: I have no name but you may call me Luna for now. ( Walks over and examines Optimus and Ratchet) Hmm. Your not injured so that's good but I would recommend that you two try and keep yourselves from being overrun by the undead.

Optimus: understood luna.

Luna?: Good! Now I have a score to settle with a certain afthole so don't worry about me, okay? ( Jumps in the air and spreads wings out)

Ratchet: Is she crazy!?

Optimus: If she believes she can fight Megatron I will not stop her but right now we have a big problem then her fighting Megatron old friend..( the undead cybertronians surrounds Optimus and Ratchet who are still with in the dome)

Ratchet: Megatron has desicreated the resting place of our fallen ancestors and his own.

Optimus: ( Sighs) not even the dead are free from his warmongering.

2nd Pov

Megatron: At last, symbiosis. I can feel it. I possess compl-

Before Megatron could even finish his sentence he was punched in the face throwing him backwards towards a flat area the almost looks like a battle arena.

Soon Megatron and Luna fought like two gladiators in the pits of koan. Soon, Megatron used his sharp digits and clawed at Luna's left optic, blinding her in one eye.

 Soon, Megatron used his sharp digits and clawed at Luna's left optic, blinding her in one eye

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