Chapter 07

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Five years after the fight between the Salvatore families.

A lot of things have happened throughout the years, some too many to mention.

However, one thing was set in stone:

Zane found himself a family—a real family...

For the first time in five years, Zane stepped out of the Salvatore's First Family compound and into the yearly Rome's Charity Event with his two alphas entwining their arms around his, almost as though they were fearful that if they let go, he might slip away and disappear into the night—lost forever. He wouldn't do that to them, though; he couldn't. He loved them, and they loved him with every fiber in their bodies; they would die for them. He knew this... So it didn't faze him one bit when he began hearing the murmurs of strangers and gossipers, spewing whatever they could conjure up from their bitter mouths.

"Is that Zane?" Some said. "I thought he was dead."

Some answered:

"Oh no, haven't you heard? Lorenzo and Darius kept him locked up all these years."

Some pitied him:

"Oh, poor man."

Some gloated:

"He deserved it, bastard!"


"Why would Mr. Lorenzo mark him? Aren't they cousins?

"Darius is a part of it too."

Some answered:

"They'redisgusting; that's why."

And some corrected:

"Step cousins."

And some stuck to him like glue:

"I remembered him. He was never like this," they sneered, an insult.

"I think they brainwashed Zane."

As Zane approached the center table reserved for the three of them, Darius's silky voice echoed next to him. "Let me do it for you," the alpha said. And he pulled out the chair for Zane like a true gentleman.

The murmurs grew at the scene, but Zane ignored them. Instead, his attention went on Lorenzo, who chose to make a greater scene when he lifted Zane's hand and pressed a deep kiss at the back of his palm. "Sit, darling," Lorenzo whispered into his ear when done. "And show me how many of them you want me to kill later."

Zane smiled at that, and his eyes shifted toward the sea of people lingering at tables—with their endless gossiping—before they grew dark.

Brainwashed, they said with mock intent.

Fools! All of them.

Their eyes deceived them; they knew nothing.

He had two powerful alphas wrapped around his fingers, as much as they had him wrapped around theirs. And for the first time in forever, the loneliness he had been wearing like a second skin had long disappeared, gone as though it had never existed in the first place. He was protected, worshiped, and loved in equal measure by his two alphas.

They would do anything for him—anything he asked of them.

Zane might've lost the battle the day he and his papa stormed the First Family's compound.


In the end, he came out victorious.

In the end, he won the war.

In the end, he became the Salvatore family's Head Omega.

The End.

A/N: The last chapter is based on Zane's pov; it is open for interpretation.

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