Ch8 REALTORS And Roses

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(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Mortisfox for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story. Art is by me.

Warning: Mentioning of Rose Losing her eye by having it clawed out, mentioning of Maison being beaten, and Rose's scars.)

The walk all the way back to Maison's main body was tense and stressful with Rose looking over her shoulder every five minutes and increasing her pace every time. Thankfully she was able to get him back before anything bad could happen to him. Thank goodness. The first thing she did was bring him into her home and look him over. He wasn't too bad actually thank gosh. So she cleaned up the sap from his face and carried him back to his main body. If he was to heal the damage to his lure then he needed a long rest. A phonecall was made to Ivy right after, and the next morning she called Ivy again and shoved her phone in Maison's face making him retell her everything and what those people looked like. But Maison soon found out that wasn't the end of Rose's forceful help. She returned later the same day. Didn't even bother to knock. She just opened up his front door with a frown on her face and stared at his still slightly damaged lure limply hanging from the ceiling lamp made of flesh. It was enough to startle him away however.

"Ms. Willow! What are you doing just barging in like this?," his voice echoed throughout the home. "Don't you know it's rude to not knock before entering?!"

Rose answered by just chucking a giant box of food into his house. Fruits bounced around as a few slabs of meat like pork chops and a few hotdogs thudded along with them. "There's your food!" She sounded angry and annoyed at him as she pointed at his limp lure. "You're gonna be out of commission for a while. Y'know why? BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME THAT'S WHY!! So you're going to stay home and heal until this entire thing blows over! I might be in trouble because of you and I have another problem because Heim heard what happened and he's coming over to check on me! So now I have to worry about him out there too! So just digest your food and quite playing with it!" With that she slammed her door shut before he could respond.


"Dear Rose, please wait!"He was quick to reanimated his lure and wobble after her on sore legs. He winced. Yep. This thing would be sore for a while. The door was quickly yanked back open and he limped out. "ROSE?!" 

UPON hearing her name, the red head stopped and turned around to look back at him with a frown just as a certain someone came waddling down the street towards her too. Bristling, he quickly limped his lure down the driveway and towards her as she rose a brow unimpressed. 

"Heya pal!" She turned to a huffing and puffing man as he waddled to stop in front of her and wheezed. "Man. I might be getting outta shape."He then smiled at her. "Hey Rose! I came to see how you were!"

She sighed. "I told you not to. I said I was fine. It's Maison that's banged up."

In question Heim turned to look at the limping lure and winced hissing through his teeth. "Golly gee pal. You do look banged up. Did they make off with anything?"

"Oh..Close your yapping front door!," Maison indignantly hissed as a hand rubbed at the tatters of his coat. Those would take the longest to heal back.

Heim however looked back to Rose as she rolled her eye, tilted his head, and then looked horrified. "R-Rose." She turned back to him in question as he nervously pointed at her face. "Bud..What happened to your face there?" Rose paused. "Are ya hurt? D-Do ya want me to call an ambulance?"

There was another moment of silence before Rose sighed. "No. A hospital wouldn't do me any good. I've been living without an eye for years."

Both men stared stunned by that revelation. "....Rose?" 

She turned to Maison. And the two just stood there staring at one another. Maison hesitated before holding up a hand to her face. Rose made absolutely no move to stop him as his hand slowly reached over and gently pulled back her silky red bangs from her face. What they were met with startled them into stunned silence. Three long but very thin scars ran across Rose's skin and over her closed eyelid ending partially on her cheek. An incident long since past but etched forever into her skin. For a moment no one said anything until one of them asked.


She only smiled sadly. "It happened when I was a little girl. I was playing in the backyard and ran into something that didn't like me too much." Her hand reached up to rub over the forever closed eyelid. "I have no idea what it was but I've been living with this for a while.  Don't worry. It doesn't hurt but sometimes it's hard to see things coming from that side. .... It's a reason I don't like anyone hurt.'' She then pushed on Maison's chest making him blink. "So you rest up and heal." She then turned to Heim. "And I want you to go home immediately and stay there until this entire thing blows over. I'll talk to you both about it once everything's safer and calms down."

They didn't look so convinced especially Maison but Heim nodded. "Alright pal. If that'll really make ya happy. I wouldn't mind a break anyways."

Maison huffed not one to be outdone so easily. "Agreed. But only on the condition that this conversation is continued later. There's more to discuss."

With a nod Rose nodded and smiled widely. "Deal. For now let's all just rest for a long while."

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