Arrived in the World Of Remnant

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Alex: Where am I?

Alex open his eyes and see some forest.

Alex: How did I get here? Oh! I forgot I die from the car crash. Huh? What is this?

Alex touch something on the grass and found a Decadriver and a Book Rider.

Alex: This is Tsukasa's Neo Decadriver! Oh. A note.

Alex take the note and read it.

"Use it as a saviour"

Alex: Okay. Then I use it as good.

Alex grab the Neo Decadriver and put it on his waist. He put his Book Rider on his left side. He then walk in the forest. After a few hours, he finally go out from the forest. Then he saw something horrified. The town was completely destroy. He saw some four teenagers and an adult fighting a maniac man with a scorpion tail. He then run toward at them.

Tyrian: Hahaha! Look like you going to die!

Alex: Stop right there!

All of them look at Alex.

Tyrian: Oh look like someone is interrupting our fight! Who you might be?

Alex: I'm just a Kamen Rider passing through, remember that!

Alex open the side handle and he insert the card and close it.

Kamen Ride: Decade!

All 20 symbol merge with Alex. Five red square go to Alex head and all his armor become magenta. He completed transform into Decade. All of them were shocked but Tyrian only laugh.

Tyrian: Hahahaha! You just change into pink armor! That funny!

Decade: Oh. This is not pink. This is magenta. Idiot.

Decade pull out his Rider Book and turn into a gun and shoot at Tyrian. Tyrian was shoot by Decade. Tyrian was mad and charge at Decade and use his tail to give him a venom.

Jaune: Oh no!

Ren: This is bad!

Tyrian: How you like that?! Huh? What?!

Decade stand up and and look at Tyrian.

Decade: You can poison me. But my armor is very strong.

Decade open the side handle and he pull out his card and insert the card and close it.

Kamen Ride: Zi-o! Kamen Rider! Zi-o~

A giant clock appear from the back of Decade. A circle appear inside and transform into Zi-o then a Kanji word fly over and place on Zi-o visor and read "Rider" in Kanji.

Ruby: He change!

D-Zi-o swing his sword at Tyrian. Tyrian try kick Decade but Decade avoid it and slash at his body.

Tyrian: Aaarrgh! Do you think you can beat me?!

Decade: Don't know. But I can beat you.

Decade pull out his card. He open the side handle and insert it then close it.

Final Attack Ride: Z-Z-Zi-o!

All the katakana word appear in front Tyrian. D-Zi-o jump to the air and all the Katakana word go to D-Zi-o foot with the word "Kick". He then preform his Rider Kick at Tyrian. He then landed and Tyrian explode. Tyrian struggle to stand up and run away.

Nora: He getting away!

Qrow: Just let him go. Anyway, thanks for saving us. But who are you?

D-Zi-o transform back to normal and look at Qrow.

Alex: My name is Alex Garden. I'm a Kamen Rider. The Saviour of World.

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