Foursome Of July

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Izuku sighed as he lounged back in his seat. Last time he had taken a plane to I-island he and All Might went commercial, but this time around David Shield had sent a small private jet - The kind he was certain only someone like Momo could afford. Well, getting paid as the number one hero could probably cover it, but he still didn't want to see the price tag of this shuttle.

On top of that, the thing was fully automatic! Not a crewmate in sight, just automated voices asking to take drink and meal orders, and some kind of AI Captain flying the plane.

However, a week before they meant to set off, All Might had to call David and ask to be pardoned for the 4th of July party they were both invited to. And so, Izuku was positioned to go and bring any one person of his choice with what would have been All Might's spare ticket.

So who else was there to bring but his girlfriend, Pony Tsunotori?

Right now, she was sleeping and reclining against him after enjoying some fresh apple fritters from the automated kitchen. One leg was over his, her arm lazily hung around his middle, and she kept her head on his shoulder, adjusted so her horns wouldn't poke him on the way there.

He absentmindedly scratched the top of her head while looking out the window. The Pacific was beautiful, and seeing as it was summer, the sun was bright and the sky was just about clear, creating an even more stellar image outside.

Pony's ears twitched in her sleep and she pushed herself closer to him. She was almost like a puppy seeking his touch and affection even in her sleep, which he happily gave.

"Dear passengers, - Izuku . Midoriya. And - Pony. Tsunotori. This vessel will be reaching the destination; the I-Island airport, in fifteen minutes. Please assort your belongings, return silverware and platters, and prepare for landing. Thank you for flying with the Shield Industry Fully-Automated Aerial Vessel." The AI pilot spoke up.

Izuku pressed his cheek against the window and squinted slightly at the large, circular mass above the ocean. His eyes widened with excitement in the same way they had the first time and found himself with the amusing realization that he would always be feeling this way when seeing the technological marvel and man-made city floating on the sea like Atlantis.

The bags were secure in the back, and thereby only left one thing to do. He reached over and grabbed Pony's shoulder, then shook her gently for a moment while she mumbled and whined to herself. "Pony, time to get up... We're about to land."

Pony groaned and tensed up for a moment as she shifted against him. Finally, she lifted her head and blinked awake, then shook her wake to wake herself up some more. "Good..." She started, before closing her eyes and yawning deeply. "... Mooowning."

Izuku smirked and shook her for a moment longer until she sat up on her own, still keeping a leg and arm over him, while rubbing her eyes with her free hand. "Are we there...?"

"Almost." He answered, looking out the window again. "We can head straight to the hotel after we land if you want to go back to napping."

"Nah. She answered, turning her body to place both legs over his lap stretching her arms over her head, and straightening her back. "I've been wanting to visit I-Island forever, and I'd like to meet your friend Melissa while we're there."

Izuku smiled a little more at the mention of Melissa. "I think you two would get along. And her gear is top-notch too, the tech they have over at I-Island made my head spin." He said, adjusting himself slightly as Pony sat forward and hooked an arm around him while still keeping her legs over his lap. "Besides, we should at least sign in and set our stuff down. Then, I'll call Melissa and see what's up."

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