Chapter 3 Magic, Wargs and Welcome to Rivendell...

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All of a sudden I started to feel faint. As I blacked out as I fell to the ground it wanted me to come and say 'hello and meet hurt'. I heard commotion in the distance and I felt hands touching my face. And I swear I was hearing yelling from Gandalf to whomever was being really stupid. I heard Gandalf calling for me, " Alicia... Alicia... wake up...easy... you fell for an unknown reason. Try getting up slowly... are you alright?" As I was opening my eyes I felt my head start to pound. "Why does it feel like I was either kicked by a horse or someone smacked me upside my head?" I said , wincing from the pain. Gandalf and from what I could guess everyone besides thorin was worried for me. "I'm not sure but there is not a lot of time something is coming our way so you need to get up." Gandalf said while getting up himself. As I got up I looked to see who was coming toward us. I knew who was coming and I couldn't wait for him to arrive because he was who I wanted to meet. And out from the brushes screaming was radagast the brown. He looked shorter than the movie portrays him, but it didn't bother me whatsoever.

I saw Gandalf look at me and the look that he gave me told me to follow him and Radagast to have a conversation. " Radagast. It's Radagast the brown! well ... What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf questioned. " I was looking for you Gandalf. Something is wrong. Something's terribly wrong." Radagast says with fear in his voice. As the conversation continued I knew what was happening and I stared into the distance. While keeping one ear to the conversation and the other ear to the sound and noises of the forest. As Gandalf and Radagast continued talking I walked up to the rabbits because they were so cute that I couldn't help myself but I petted one of them. As I started to scratch their back and head I reached under their chins to scratch and one of them landed on their belly with a flop which brought everyone attention to me and the said rabbit. A giggle bubbled up in my throat that I couldn't help but let it out. I looked back up to Gandalf and he had a sweet smile on his face and Radagast had a look of curiosity and happiness on his face. I got up and walked back to them. " I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself, I had never been up close to a rabbit before. The ones back home always run away from everything. And I know I wasn't supposed to touch." I apologize to Radagast and Gandalf.

" It's alright my dear. I bet the others are now jealous that you only paid attention to that one rabbit. I don't believe we have met before. What is your name my dear?" said Radagast. It was rude and bad enough that I completely forgot to introduce myself to Radagast. I am hoping I don't make the same mistake when I meet Lord Elrond. "My name is Alicia but you can call me Allie. I hope you can teach me to learn about the different animals that live here in Aria." I said. Having the sudden urge to bow was starting to affect me, I think it was because I went to Japan. In their culture, when you bow to someone new or someone who is in a higher rank than you, bowing is to show respect to that person. Plus it was proper manners.

Seeing his eyes lit up with happiness, but then it went straight to worry. He turned back to Gandalf and he started to explain what was happening before he came to find Gandalf. " The Greenwood is sick Gandalf. A darkness has fallen over it." He pauses and turns to look back with worry written all over his face at the dwarves and then back at Gandalf and me to continue. "Nothing grows anymore. At least, nothing good. The air is foul with decay. But worse are the webs." As Gandalf begins to pace I was fighting the urge to shiver at the mention webs let alone spiders. "Webs? What do you mean?" questioned Gandalf. "Spiders, Gandalf. Giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant or I am not a wizard. I followed their trail. they came from Dol Guldur." Radagast explains. I heard Gandalf grunt at the mention of the old fortress. "Dol Guldur? But the old fortress is abandoned." Gandalf said. I saw Radagast shake his head at what Gandalf said. " No Gandalf. 'Tis not." Radagast gravely said with so much fear. He reminds me of the rabbits back home. They will run from any danger. I see Gandalf walking up to Radagast to give him a puff of Old Toby to help calm his nerves. I heard pieces of the conversation after that and saw what Radagast gave to Gandalf that he found from the old fortress.

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