Dark Flowers

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A drop of cold water dripped from the nose of a young woman as she exhaled nervously a cloud of breath formed in the cold weather of the December month. In her solicitous aura, the young woman didn't feel alone in prolonged unlit alley as she walked swiftly down. In a gasp the young woman instantaneously turned around to her relief no one was there in the dark alley but herself, she was dreadfully wrong. When the woman came to her senses and turned forward there he stood a dark obscureness cloaked shadow in the night. The dark shadowy figure of the night  stood and uttered in a spine-chilling manor, "We know of your doings Meredith and we haven't received any of your lucre" the dark figure exclaimed. Meredith stood there appalled at the dark shadows question. As Meredith stood frightened, she was thinking a mile a minute. She responded to the dark figures interrogating question, "I don't-" as her sentence was cut short instantly as the dark figure quickly impaled Meredith deeply in the abdomen with a extended knife with a jagged edge. Whilst Meredith sank to her knees in agonizing affliction, The Dark Shadow revealed himself only to be someone Meredith knew fondly, but as Meredith gazed with confusion into her murders eyes, she began to fade into non-existence.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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