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A man is standing in the dock of a courtroom wearing a smart suit and tie. A very stern looking judge is sentencing him for his crime. The man is quite young only mid 20s very handsome with short dark hair 

Judge - I hereby sentence you to the maximum penalty, allowed by law, life imprisonment!

The man bows his head and grimaces at his sentence  

In another courtroom another man is also in the dock to be sentenced. This man is older than the first man, mid to late 30s' with short blonde hair

The judge - For the murder of your wife i must impose the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment

The man, unlike the first one, doesn't react to the sentence. Shows no emotion at all

The governor, a sinister looking man wearing shades, is sitting at his desk puffing on a cigarette when there is a knock at the door

The governor - Come in

A female officer enters the room

The officer - Mr Craven i thought you would like to know there are two new prisoners coming in today. They are both in for life for murder

Mr Craven puffs on his fag and smiles

Mr Craven - Two more lifers. They are the ones i pay special attention to you know Mrs Jackson. I always pay a lot of attention to my lifers 

Mrs Jackson gives Mr Craven a cold stare

Mrs Jackson - Yes i'm well aware of that Mr Craven 

Mr Craven - And can you give me some more information on the nature of the murders?

Mrs Jackson - Well one of them killed his wife. Actually you may remember him, its Frank Ferguson the petty criminal who served a couple of short sentences for robbery. He always claimed that he was a victim of domestic abuse remember? He always said that his wife Monica was violent towards him? Well apparently now he has snapped and killed her

Mr Craven - Yes well to be honest i always thought that slimy weak weasel Frank was probably telling the truth about Monnie beating him up. But I reckon if she really was a husband beater she deserves all she got!

Mrs Jackson - Well anyway I'll tell you about the second one...and this one could be a problem for us, a big problem

Craven - Do go on now i am dying of curiosity

Mrs Jackson sighs

Mrs Jackson - Well its a child killer and you know how the other men feel about them. His name is Karl Maxwell and he killed his 4 year old son Louis

Craven - Oh i see, another nice piece of work for us then

Mrs Jackson sighs again and looks down at the floor

Mrs Jackson - Yes well there's more. You see the child was terminally ill apparently and Mr Maxwell killed her to end her pain. It wasn't simply a cold blooded killing it was euthanasia

Craven - You know something Mrs Jackson you never cease to amaze me how you are willing to see the best in these man and make excuses for them. This Maxwell scum is a cold blooded  kid killer and nothing more. He killed his son because he was too much hassle for him and he deserves no leniency at all

Mrs Jackson looks angry

Mrs Jackson - Now hang on a second, Sir, it is not fair to judge him like this. We do not know the full story. The child had no hope of a recovery

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H:THE MALE VERSION (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now