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Liam and Gazza are getting high while watching television

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Liam and Gazza are getting high while watching television. The dramatic opening titles to the news blasts out

Newsreader - Good morning. Today the government announced their decision to give tougher punishments to offenders who assault or kill members of the emergency services. this includes police officers and paramedics. I am joined by Inspector Graceless who will explain more about this

Inspector Graceless speaks

Graceless - For a start anyone who murders a police officer will automatically be sentenced to life without parole. There will be no life with the chance of parole for such killers

Newsreader - What is the difference between life and life without parole then? 

Graceless - It's simple. A lifer with the chance of parole can eventually get out of prison, but a lifer without parole will die in prison

Newsreader - Some people would say that all life sentences should mean life with no parole. That a lifer who can one day be set free isn't getting the proper punishment. It isn't really a life sentence if they can get out again right?

Graceless - This is a common concern but people don't understand how a life sentence works. The sentence does last for the rest of the offenders life, but, with parole, they don't spend it all in prison. Once they get out they are on parole and probation for the rest of their lives, one step out of line they can be recalled. They will have supervision and restrictions, their freedom is limited. So it is in fact a life sentence just not all of it is spent in prison. But life without parole is absolutely the hardest of the two because with that sentence the killer will never again have even the limited freedom they would get if they did get parole 

Newsreader - Fair enough but then why decide that cop killers should get that sentence? Why shouldn't every murderer get punished the same? Are you saying that some murders are more serious than others and some people's murder's matter less?

Graceless - No we're not saying that. What we are saying is that killing a cop is totally unacceptable and must be dealt with with the severest punishment. Think about it if you kill a cop you are killing the very people who are protecting society so you are basically saying you do not care about law and order and if you can kill a cop you won't care about anything or anyone else. So for that reason we will jail cop killers for life without parole we do regard it as serious enough for that but we are not saying that other murders are less serious 

Newsreader - Hmmm ok i see...well thanks for joining us today Inspector 

Liam and Gazza carry on taking drugs while they watch the news

Liam - Imagine life without parole, fuck man that's heavy. I know a dude who got life with a non parole period of 36 years and that was bad enough but life without parole. That's fucked up

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