Science fiction. The navigator

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Science fiction. The navigator

The wind was feasible, the direction was eastward, the solar mast was hoisting its gleaming surface, and we all were moving towards our destination. I can recall someone asking our navigator, about the exact location, and the navigator replied, "we are not there yet!"

Then as if by some exotic interference, the navigator lowered the solar mast, and we came to a complete halt. We all looked around to investigate visually about our exact location. It was dark and other than us and the navigator along with our flying machine there was nothing.

The navigator in a very low voice said something, that due to the silence and the curiosity to know where we had reached, all of us understood without any difficulty. In a moment we all began looking at one another, clueless about what might happen next, because we had been surrounded by the cosmic bandits, and they were all around us. Only the navigator could recognise this, as for the rest of us, we were only surrounded by the endless cosmic space, its darkness, its ambiguity that often stares at you because everything is so mysteriously alien. Universe in higher reaches is mostly like this.

But right now we were surrounded by the cosmic bandits and their spaceship was fully invisible. Our navigator had detected its presence from one of his screens. This was the reason he had stopped abruptly. Had he not done that, we all would have hit the spaceship that was as big as a small city. And it would have been the end of our flying machine and our journey would have met with a very unlikely fate. Going by the current situation we were not any better either, because the cosmic bandits were trying to gauge our next move and our will to challenge them and resist being captured. By now we knew about their presence, but they knew about our presence and compared to them our inferior vantage point as well, if we were to attempt an escape. We were in the middle of their ring shaped spaceship. Which was more like a horse shoe as it began revealing its physical shape.

Now we could not see its horseshoe-like structure, we only saw a huge wall of metal and we were hovering there, like a beetle, caught in the cyclone.

Then, our navigator asked us to tie our safety belts and hold on to the hand-rests, as tightly as we could. And he turned off the hover mode, and based on his plotter, just 50 miles away, we would enter a magnetic ring of a planet that was the nearest to the location where we were positioned. But the magnetic ring was below us, and the flying machine could only move in all four directions, and gain height. To achieve a drop of 50 miles in altitude, would mean going straight and then gradually descend towards the magnetic ring.


We could take the risk of shutting down the engines, and then using downward throttlers the flying machine would be in the magnetic ring in few minutes. Where it could now activate its own magnetic shield and achieve a magnetic frequency similar to that of the magnetic ring of the planet, this would make us undetectable to the radar systems of the bandits. But visually we would still not be hidden.

However, our sudden drop and our penetration into the magnetic ring, would make us undetectable to the spaceship, and we all knew what our navigator was going to attempt next. And in just a few seconds our flying machine had vanished from the bandit's radar and visual surveillance systems. We had managed to enter the magnetic ring of the planet. We could hear the spaceship making all attempts to locate our exact coordinates, but it seems, the magnetic ring had masked us completely.

And now we were in a different kind of problem. Having entered the magnetic ring, our navigation systems were not working, and we had to figure out how to escape from this magnetic ring. We were within it and it was everywhere, to make the matter worse, our flying machine was very small. Being reticent about the situational reality was definitely not the solution. So, we had to think of something if we were to escape this contraption of cosmic uncertainties.

Bandits had left, but we were now left in the middle of somewhere, from where at the moment there seemed to be no escape.

Our navigator was definitely experienced and his next move proved it. He ejected spray guns and created a cloud of iron dust by using unipolar magnetic pulses, which were flowing outwards. With such formation, that our flying machine was located in the middle of an iron dust bubble.

The magnetic ring interacted with this dense iron dust bubble and before it could realign and gain its uniform intensity , our flying machine could use the booster engines to push upwards. Since we had dropped into the ring from above, the navigator knew it would be a futile attempt to move forward, because the ring may stretch for a million miles. So he decided to fly upwards, and in 15 minutes we had managed to leave the magnetic ring and our navigation systems were up again, ready to guide us to our destination.

Once again, the space greeted us and we were preoccupied by the wonder of its mystical darkness and its cold silence. As we got closer to our destination planet, one of the engines failed and the flying machine began to move like a cat trying to bite its own tail. Caught in these circular movements, the second engine failed as well, and now we were drifting in space, being lured by the darkness that was everywhere. In a moment we were here and in another moment we were there. We were being flung everywhere, yet unable to reach somewhere. It is one of the scariest realities of the universe. The dark that is too cold as well!

The navigator was frantically working something out, he still had not given up. Finally, he said something that amazed all of us. "I have magnetic propulsion enabled at the back and front of the flying machine. And we have iron dust. I will spray the iron dust and one of you has to manage aligning the magnetic pulse with this thick iron dust. It should propel us towards the navigation point, where I can use upward thrusters and we may be able to reach the destination planet. We have lost backward and forward propulsion engines, but the upward and downward thrusters are still operational. So who among you will do it?"

I immediately volunteered and I did as directed by him. Finally when we reached the exact navigation point, he used upward thrusters and we could see our destination planet. Somehow we sent an SOS to the command system and they used a drone to drag us towards the planet and made us land safely.

But today, if it would not have been for the navigator, we may have been onboard the spaceship of cosmic bandits. To live all our lives at their mercy and at their beck and call. So we thanked the navigator, and we all retired to our pods, our homes for now on this planet.

It is a beautiful planet, and the native people of this planet are highly advanced when it comes to the use of technology and understanding of the universe. We have come here to learn from them how to master the workings of the galaxies and eventually the universe, by using advanced and totally new forms of Physics and Mathematics.

Tomorrow we will take a tour of this planet and then we will be introduced to the faculty members and the group of students who will be undergoing the same training, which will last 10 years. And now we are not worried, because on this planet they can even make a planet disappear from any radar system, any visual probe; no matter how sophisticated the probing technology is. And we will be learning these advanced forms of tactics from them.

If you want to know more about this planet and what we learned during our stay, you may find the science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075, very interesting. It is a romance science fiction, with a story that is powerful, and makes the reader think and feel at the same time.

I believe it is different, because it deals with the realities of 2075. And our future generations cannot evade these realities. The best way to deal with them is to know them in advance and work towards being prepared to tackle them, when the time comes.

To know what challenges humanity will face in 2075, explore the romance science fiction, They Loved in 2075.

Science fiction novel, They Loved in 2075:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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