Cp 1: Meeting Lumine and Paimon

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Sunlight was hugging her entire body, she could barely move a muscle. Every time she try, pain shoots though it, she then try's to recall what happened last before being knocked out, or whatever happened to her.

 The sunlight clung to her skin like a heavy, suffocating robe, rendering her body almost immobile. Each attempt to move was met with a searing pain that shot through her limbs like electric shocks. As she struggled to remember what had happened before she lost consciousness, all she could recall was a blur of confusion and chaos.

' Ugh! Why does my body hurt so much.... '

The girl's hair, the color of the sun, sprawled over the sand like a blanket, her tanned skin glistening under the sun's rays. Her eyes, a bright yellow, almost seemed to glow against her tan complexion. The ocean stretched out in front of her, blending into the horizon, and a steep cliff loomed in the distance, the edges blending into the blue sky.

' Baal... Barbatos...Kusanali.......Morax... I hope you all doing better then I am..... '

She then closed her eyes as a tear started to run down her face. her body was then still, she couldn't move a muscle anymore due to the pain, the bangs of her hair then started blowing with the wind when she then started hearing footsteps close by, then a voice spoke.

" Lumine! over here! I found someone! "

<< Lumine Pov >>

I rose from my spot and made my way toward the campfire, ready to prepare a meal for the girl when she awoke. As the sun began to set, its golden rays cast a warm glow on the surrounding trees and grass. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of pine and wood smoke. Suddenly, I noticed a small yellow butterfly fluttering towards the mysterious girl lying nearby.

I furrowed my brow in confusion, as all of the butterflies I had seen thus far were a striking teal color. But as the butterfly drew near, I could see that it was no ordinary insect. It seemed to emit a soft, radiant light that illuminated its delicate wings.

"Huh? The butterfly is starting to glow!?" I exclaimed, both bewildered and fascinated by this unexpected phenomenon. As I watched in awe, the butterfly landed gently on the cut on the girl's face and began to heal it with its healing touch. Paimon's words rang true in that moment, and I couldn't help but feel amazed and grateful for this miraculous creature before me

The girl then started to wake up, she slowly started to sit up from the ground, the hood of her cloak fell off reveling her hair...

The girl then started to wake up, she slowly started to sit up from the ground, the hood of her cloak fell off reveling her hair

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(Her hairstyle just imagine it's white that fades to yellow)

 She puts a hand over her eye that's covered by her hair as she opens them. She has a lovely shade of yellow eyes, I start to think of why they were familiar.

 She has a lovely shade of yellow eyes, I start to think of why they were familiar

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"Oh, you're awake!" Paimon exclaimed happily. "Paimon is so glad to see you finally awake!"

The girl shook her head lightly and looked at Paimon before turning her gaze towards me. I could tell she was curious about something, but also seemed a bit sad. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her. Had she been betrayed by someone? Or maybe something else happened?

"Where am I?" The sound of her voice made me freeze. Her voice was a gentle melody, soothing and comforting. Mixing with the sound of our breathing and the faint rustling suddenly, a flood of questions filled my mind. Why did she seem familiar? Why did being near her feel like home? Why does it feel like...I'm with Aether again?

But instead of asking, I remained quiet for a moment while Paimon introduced the two of us.

"Well, you're in Teyvat!" Paimon chirped. "I'm Paimon and this is Lumine! We're travel buddies!"

I smiled at Paimon's introduction. Since I first met her, I had considered Paimon a friend. Besides, traveling alone would be lonely without her company.

The white-yellow hair girl smiled and stand up, as she did the blanket and her cloak she was wearing fell off reveling her outfit.

The white-yellow hair girl smiled and stand up, as she did the blanket and her cloak she was wearing fell off reveling her outfit

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(Her outfit)

" I'm Klara, It's nice to meet you " Her smile... It's pretty, despite what might have happened before we found her she seemed fine already.


" Huh? OH SHOOT!! "

" Eh? "

<<In a tree not far from a city>>

Past Klara/Solana - " Barbatos, are you ok?! " she said flying down to him with a concern look on her face.

Past Venti/Barbatos - " I'm fine Sol, just a scratch " he said as he covers the cut on his arm and gives Solana a reassureing smile

Klara sighed knowing how stubborn he is, before she knew the enemy tried to blast them, she pushes Barbatos out of range of the attack and got hit.

The name echoes through Venti's mind, haunting and desperate. He calls out to her, voice strained with emotion, as he tries to reach her. "Solana!" His heart races, and his body is slick with sweat as he fights against the darkness that has consumed his dreams.

With a gasp, Venti jolts awake from the nightmare. He brings a trembling hand to his face, trying to calm himself. As he does, an Anemo butterfly flutters past him, its delicate wings a stark contrast to the chaos of his thoughts. Looking up at the moon above, his lips quirk into a small smile, but a single tear falls from his aqua green eyes.

"Klara...I hope you're okay," Venti whispers into the night air. The guilt weighs heavy on his chest as he remembers how she had been injured during the Archon War. It was all because of him, and he can't help but feel responsible. Klara was always so caring and kind, tending to the wounded and offering support to anyone who needed it. The memories flood back like a rushing river, reminding him of all the things he loved about her, he was happy to be her friend.

" Whenever we meet again. . . I promise. . . I won't make the same mistake twice "


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