The Nice Time With The Crew Part 3

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Seonghwa's View

I looked at the list in my hand. "Tuila?" Everyone looked around on the ship I got off the boat and walked into Eiyrio. "Queen Juila hello" "Forgive me I'm missing a crew member" "A male or female" "Female her name is Tuila" "There's a likely chance she's in the bathroom try checking there and if not let us know everyone that usually is around is respectful and wouldn't dare think of unlawful things" I walked into the girl's bathroom she wasn't there I decide to head to the kitchen area. "Your Highness" "Sorry I'm looking for a crew member" "Oh We thought they all walked out of here with you" "I thought so as well but I..." "Calm down if you want some of us can look into the city for you" "It will be okay I just have to calm down Tuila isn't one to just leave like that" "Captian?" "I'm going to in the city you guys stay here in case Tuila heads here" I searched half of the city then something caught my nose it was a bakery place and sweet shop. "Captian hi!" "Tuila!"

"Forgive me when we walked out I smelled something yummy and sweet I wanted to check it out then I followed it here" "It's okay I was worried" "I didn't mean to worry you Captian I was thinking of getting sweets for everyone" "Oooo are those the o...

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"Forgive me when we walked out I smelled something yummy and sweet I wanted to check it out then I followed it here" "It's okay I was worried" "I didn't mean to worry you Captian I was thinking of getting sweets for everyone" "Oooo are those the ones you already picked out" "Mhm they told me that they could easily place them into little bags for me" "That's epicness and cool it make it special especially since everyone will be getting their own little small bag of sweets I think I'm going to pick out some as well" "Tuila you're okay oh gosh what's with the boxes" "They're sweets we got them for all of you guys" "Thank you Tuila and Captian!" "Oh?" There was one left Seonghwa picked up the bag there was a crown on it Seonghwa smiled and looked. Tuila was talking to some of the other girls laughing as they all enjoyed their sweets. "This really has been a sweet time with them" Seonghwa opens her bag and eats one of the chocolates in her bag. "Oh gosh, these are yummy Tuila did they have cards" "Unfrotnaly note" "It's okay whenever I'm in Belyias again I'll come back" "I don't think you're the only one who waiting for another time to return back" The camera pointed to a girl with pink long hair that was looking at the city smiling  "Did you find love little one" "More like a lost one" "Oh?" She showed me the photos. "Awww your childhood best friend" "I turned him good" "Whoa so he was a bully until he met you" "Mhm" "Wow" "And now he's living in Belyias but he wants to be with me" "Awww" "But he's afraid" "Of his parents you guys are legal adults now" "Is he next in line" "No I would know if he was a royal" "Okay no I meant iS he the oldest as in like once your mom or dad dies you have to take up whatever they own" "Oh no Eihryu is the youngest in his family of nine siblings" "Damm" "Eihryu Cerusyawuosh," I say "His biggest dream is to be with his beloved Amoruias" "That's my middle name" "Awww" "It's true love is it?" "You're talking to The God of Love and I say love that is true and has so much light is a love that is true" "So what happens now?" "My castle" "What" "Belyias is the city where my castle is," I said "You and anyone you hold dear to your heart who hasn't harmed you can live on either the fifth or third floor of the castle" "Captain" Seonghwa smiles and walks away "The next stop is home" Seonghwa says "To Korea we go everyone back home to everyone we know" "Understood Captain!"

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