Second Chance

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" God always offers us a second chance in life , realize it and use it before we regret."



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" Because I loved you "

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" Because I loved you ".

That day sitting in front of her in te name of an arranged marriage meeting was something I never expected and hearing her reply to the question why you agreed to this proposal was shocking rather than surprising as never ever in my thoughts I expected she had feelings for me.

In college we were together and after graduation when I left the city without informing anyone was painful.Years after when family told they found a girl for me I was shocked as I was never prepared for it. But seeing her again in the to be bride role was not what I was expecting. After seeing me stunt for the past few minutes she continued and I listened to her.

" I was hurt because of your sudden disappearance as I never expected you would leave before giving a proper bye to all of us.I believed you could understand me without saying anything because of our friendship but I was wrong which I realized lately. And never expected i would get a second chance this soon to rectify it and say my feelings towards you like this way. After seeing your pic as the groom was a shock for me and thanked God for giving me a chance to say my unsaid feelings towards you and now onwards I will get a peaceful sleep after a long year. Agreeing to this proposal or rejecting this your wish completely. And I'm hoping we will meet again."

After listening to her I was neutral because who expected that she had feelings for me and she never gave me a clue or like she said maybe I failed to understand her as a friend.But today after engagement seeing the guest leaving I can feel her questioning glare because she want to know why I agreed to this proposal as she was never expecting I will agree when she said it's my wish because somewhere she believed it's wrong to fall for your friend but the reason I agreed to marry her was the reason what she said.

She again asked me why I agreed to marry her and I replied in my most convincing tone " I failed to understand her as a friend". She looked at me confused but my next reply brought tears in her eyes, probably the last tears due to me. And it was " because I loved you too".


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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