Chapter 12 ~ introductions ~

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Champ wasn't driving today, Frank had taken the flat bed trailer and Dave had taken the LGV to make some local deliveries and his two other guys were fooling around in the warehouse but he didn't mind because when it was time to work they pulled their weight.

He was working on the rig checking the tyres and hoses and generally giving the engine a good going over and he couldn't help but keep looking towards the entrance in case Kan and Liam arrived early.

He just wanted to intercept him before Becks had the chance to start quizzing the guy, that girl had given him nothing but grief since she'd rolled up at ten to nine this morning.

"what's his full name, where is he from, how old is he, is he as cute as he sounds, what does he do?" she had bombarded him with questions.

He had told her to get to work and managed to evade her questions but when Liam turned up later it would be a free for all.

Checking his watch he saw that it was lunchtime so he went to scrub his hands before calling Danny and Jonno' and asking them who was going to the fish & chip shop.

"I'll go Champ, what does everyone want?" Jonno' said.

"just bring me a fishcake" Champ said.

"Danny? what do you want mate?" Jonno' asked.

"same, I love their fishcakes"

"ok, I'll just go and ask Becks and then I'll go" Jonno' said

"no need, I'm here" replied Becks standing a few feet away from the guys.

"I brought something from home today so don't even think of coming into the office and stinking it up with fried food" she ordered.

"remind me who the fucking boss is here?" Champ moaned.

"you are but I'm the one who has to sit in there all day so it's my domain" Beck's said not in the least intimidated by Champ.

"I'm gonna look for a new secretary, how 'bout that!" Champ bluffed.

"yeah yeah, how long have you been threatening me with that now?" Becks said crossing her arms over her chest and glaring with an attitude"

Champ rolled his eyes and shook his head,

"well seeing as we're not allowed in 'my' office you better get you're ass in there and make us all a mug of tea then" he said.

"you asked for that Beck's" Danny laughed.

"fine, it's worth it" Becky said stomping back to the office.

"crikey, what's up with her today?" Danny asked.

"dunno" Champ said following her into the office.

Champ walked in and closed the door before going into the back.

"what's up Beck's?"

"nothing boss, I'm just a bit ... it's not easy working with five dudes you know" she replied.

"oh, I think you can hold your own babes now what's really up?" Champ asked.

"nothing really, I just need a vacation I guess, it gets a bit oppressive sitting in here day after day" Becks said.

"yeah, I can imagine, tell you what, why don't you take some time off and we'll manage don't worry, just work until Friday then have a couple of weeks off, no worries babe" Champ said.

"really?" Becky said looking up with tears in her eyes.

"yes, really" Champ replied,

He had a gut feeling there was more than she was letting on but maybe she just needed some time.

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