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The next morning

Yubi woke up, showered and got ready for school. She didn't care about what the students were going to say about her but she was ready to face her problems. 

For the first time, she decided to let her hair down because she wanted to change and show them that she does not give a single damn about them.

She rode her bike to school after breakfast and arrived early. She met with Mrs. Han and asked to change places with another kid in the class. Mrs. Han seemed to know what happened and agreed to her offer.

Yubi walked into the classroom, everyone was silent. They were surprised because Yubi had never let her hair down ever. She walked to the front desk of the first row where Ishii sat. 

" Hi, you're Ishii, right? "

" Yeah "

" I'm Yubi, I'll be your new seat mate for the rest of the school year "

" Really?! "

" Yes "

Yubi sat down at the empty seat, she hooked her bag on the side and talked with Ishii. They were getting along with each other very fast. 

They had a lot of common interest which were mainly reading. Ishii had a huge addiction with anime and watched loads of them as well as reading Webtoons. 

Yubi on the other hand, loved Kpop, writing and reading Webtoon. Their favourite Webtoon was DARK MOON : THE BLOOD ALTAR. Yubi told Ishii that she had been a fan of ENHYPEN since their debut days. 

" I only listen to their music so I don't know them that well "

" That's okay, I can show you later "

" Really? Thanks. I can say safely that the rumour about you is definitely wrong " 

" What rumour? "

" Oh... "

Ishii looked away as if she said something wrong, Yubi was confused. Did she say something wrong? 

" I'm sorry "

" Huh? Why? "

" I must've said something to hurt your feelings earlier, I'm sorry "

" No no, it's just that.....I'm not sure how to tell you this so I'll show you it instead "

Ishii took out her phone and played a video that was posted on the school website. It was that day, when Yubi wanted to help Yooin get up but it was edited differently. 

In the video, Yubi had pushed Yooin and walked away from her. But it was the complete opposite, Yubi had came from another direction and left the same way as well as explained that she helped Yooin up and not push her down.

Ishii was now confused, does that mean this video is wrong? Before she could ask, Mrs. Han's called for Yooin and Yubi to the principal's office. 

They both got up and followed her, Yooin tried to speak with Yubi and let her pretend that's what happened but Yubi wasn't going to do it.

They entered the room, the principal and they're parents greeted them. Yubi could see the disappointment in her parents' eyes. 

" Ms. Hwang, care to explain your actions? "

" I'm sorry. My daughter is a bit rough and she likes to joke around. I'm sur- "

" Mrs. Hwang, I asked your daughter. Please "

Her mother kept silent and glared at her daughter, Yubi sighed and came clean.

" I didn't do it. It was Boeun and Jimin "

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