October 6th: Satanic haunting

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VengefulFlower was happy to be what she was, she was a spirit who haunts terrible people. She convinces them to follow her directions using something important to the dragon. The first dragon she lead to death was a vicious nightwing who was cruel to all dragons and had plans to rule all the tribes. She had fun learning how to use her death to her advantage, she had the dragon accept her into their mind and she used that power to make hallucinations and use that against them. The first dragon's name was Soulstare, he was a nightwing with the power to deliver prophecies and would use that to try to make himself king by lying about a prophecy that stated him ruling the world would be the best. VengefulFlower had taken care of him quickly. Now she was onto a new dragon.

Vengefulflower was just walking around the rainforest, taking a break from searching for bad dragons. She was happy to be able to take a break, her claws made no imprints, and her presence only made a light breeze. She longed to see her steps imprinted on the dirt, but she couldn't change that. She liked to watch the dragonets, she herself died as a dragonet so she liked to see dragonets having a happy, normal life. She sometimes would be spotted by a dragonet, after years of being dead she learned that dragonets seen her a lot more without interference than any other dragons.  

There was one dragonet that she had been friends with for years, he was a nightwing named DreamWalker. He had the power to see the future and read minds, him not being able to read her mind made him curious and want to learn more about him. She tried her best to guide him to be a good dragon. They would play a lot and run around the nightwing village, they were happy being friends. One day however something in DreamWalker changed, he didn't come out and talk to Vengefulflower as much, and when he did he was vague and didn't say much.  

Vengefulflower decided to follow him home one day, she saw his parents berating him again and again. It broke her heart to see what he was dealing with, when he went home, he was forced to go to his room and search through other dragons dreams. She felt bad and decided to break her own rules for haunting, she entered his mind and followed him through the shadows of another dragon's dream. When he finished talking to the other dragon for information he faded into his own dream where Vengefulflower decided to follow.  

"Hello DreamWalker." She said, coming up to the dragonet. He jumped and then looked a little more relieved to see her. "Hey there Flower" he said, that was the nickname the dragonets always gave her. She sat beside him, looking at him with motherly love. "What's wrong kid?" She asked, putting her talons gently on his wing. He sighed and looked up at her, "why is mommy and daddy so mean? Why are they so obsessed with dreams?" He asked, tears in his eyes. Vengefulflower looked a little surprised and

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took a minute to process what she had seen earlier. "Well..." she started, "some dragons were hungry for power and status, it seems your parent have fallen for that hunger as well."  

From that day on Vengefulflower started to scare DreamWalker's parents. She would move things around, open up drawers, and overall make his parents go crazy. Whenever they hurt DreamWalker she would be worse, she was ruthless and sometimes would even leave claw marks on the walls. She thrived on the chaos, she loved to see the terrible dragons suffer. She took care of DreamWalker on her own. She cared about him like he was her dragonet, they would hang out together and she would go to his nightwing school events even when his living parents didn't.  

"What are you working with?" His mother demanded one night.  

"What do you mean? I'm not working with anything mother." He said, he was unaware of what Vengefulflower had been doing.  

"That's a blatant lie. Tell me, what have you been working with to torment me and your father." She demanded again, she was done with the hauntings.  

"Oh there is nothing he is working with, he doesn't even know what has been going on." Vengefulflower says, her voice echoing around the house.  

"Who said that? Reveal yourself trespasser!" His mother called out.  

"Oh ma'am I am no trespasser, if anything you are." Vengefulflower said, a hearty laugh filling the room.  

DreamWalker looked confused, he wondered what Vengefulflower was doing and where she was hiding. His mother looked around upset and angrier, she grabbed DreamWalker and slashed at him. Vengefulflower was angry that she would hurt her own son to reveal a voice. She didn't reveal herself, but she used her powers as a ghost to make things from around the house move, kitchen knives, forks, plates, rocks, and many other items. The knives where at his mother's throat, threatening at any moment to cut it open.  

"Put him down." Vengefulflower said sternly, the knives getting closer and closer. His mother finally letting him go. DreamWalker scampered away terrified, he was scared of his mother now. He took deep breaths to calm himself, blood was dripping from his ear and his back. Vengefulflower, still invisible, went to DreamWalker checking out his ear and back. DreamWalker shivered from the touch and whipped around.  

"Calm down bud it's just me." Vengefulflower said, her voice no longer sound warped and echoing.  

"Flower?" DreamWalker whispered, he looked terrified.

"Yes, it's me, you're safe now." She spoke.  

DreamWalker's mother saw her sons mouth move and looked angry. "Who is this dragon brat?" She asked him. Vengefulflower made herself visible to the others and walked over to DreamWalker's mother. "I am no longer what can be called a dragon, I am the thing you fear. Call me a demon, or whatever you want to. But know that you are powerless against me."

Authors note: I know I didn't exactly follow the prompts but I let my imagination say no

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