Chapter 3

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After a while of silence, Rus said, " So, is anyone baking out? " he asked, half stuttering. Everyone just nodded, still terrified. They soon came to what looked like an old staircase. " We go up?" Ame asked. "Why not?" Rus replies. "Wait guys, " Ger says. " What now?" Rus says while half grumbling.  "What if the stairs collapse while we're upstairs? how are we goanna get down? " "Germany's right, " Singa adds on, " What if we are halfway up and the stairs collapses and we are only halfway up? we are going to get injured, or even worse, killed."  " Oh, will you two stop worrying for once" Rus says, getting irritated.

Germany gave Singa a nervous glance before they ran up the stairs to catch up with the others. The stairs creaked and parts off the stairs broke off. When they got up, it was even darker than it was before, giving all of them the chills. A door near the stairs Infront of them swung open, an air current was felt by Rus, a strong one.

" Guyyyyyyssssssssss.... I think you should check this out, " Rus said, his voice shaking. Ame was first to enter, and he gasped, Ger was second to come in, and it didn't really bother him much. Italy was third to enter and he nearly screamed at the sight, Singa was last to enter, and he was unfazed, he had seen much creepier and scarier stuff before. " H-How is this possible? " Ame said. " This is just Unlogical. " Ger stated. " Most likely just some pranksters trying to scare us. " Singa said in a very clam tone. "I don't see any string though, " Rus commented. "I don't like it here in this room. " Italy said. And so, they left the room. "I don't think I like to see a fan blowing even though the plug is floating mid-air." Italy said. "Of course you don't, none of us do." Rus said. They went to the foot of the staircase. On top of the door said 'Main room' but on the door itself said things like 'no trespassing' 'don't enter' etc. Rus just entered, ignoring the signs. But as soon as he was inside the room, the door slammed shut and disappeared. 

Russia's POV

'Where am I?' I thought. I heard a familiar voice behind me calling my name, it was Japan. "J-Japan? " " Rus! do you know where we are?" she asked me. "B-But me and the others saw you back there... y-you kept chanting 'go before it's to late'" "What!?I never! What are you talking about? are you feeling alright?!"

on the other side...


Ame stared at wall for a long, long, long time before shouting Russia's name. He started to punch the wall and shouted his name until his voice gave out and his fists started bleeding, then he started crying. When he stopped, the door repapered and swung open and there stood Rus, he looked like him expect that the top part of his flag was black and his eyes and mouth were black and oozing out black ooze and he was wearing the same dress as Japan. The moment they saw him they all screamed and ran away before he could speak. Upon reaching the stairs Italy ran down the stairs and it collapsed when he got down. He ran out the door and slammed it shut. While Running to the other side of the mansion, they dared not look back, fearing that if they did, they would die too. They ran and ran and ran and ran until they reached a dead end. Ame gulped and slowly turned his head around, and to his relief, that thing was gone.  

"Phew, that was close." Ame sighed. "Italy was lucky that he managed to run away while the staircase was still intact." Ger said, gasping for air. "Should we jump?" Ame asked. No response.  Ame turned back around and saw that Singa was using his phone. He snapped. "Can you call for help instead of doing something useless?!?" Ame screamed at him. "What do ya think I'm trying to do stupid!" Singa yelled back. They continued to argue for what felt like forever until they noticed that Ger was gone. They turned around and saw that Ger was standing there in a maid's dress, his eyes and mouth were dripping with black thing. Ame fainted and Singa grabbed his hand and started to run. When they made it safety, (for now,) Singa put him resting on the railing. 

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