Chapter 8: Ten Questions

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝙾𝚅

'You waht!?', Harry said.

'Mind reading, yes..', she said.

The astronomy tower was silent and comfortable. Only the gushing of leaves were heard. Harry and Y/n stared at each other.

'Are you serious!?',said Harry.

'I'm serious!', she said. 'But... I couldn't read your mind...'  

'you can't read My mind?', he repeated.

'Well yes. Maybe you have some shield put on it...', Y/n shrugged.

'So how could you tell that you read minds?', he said.

'I've been able to read everyone except for yours...', she said.

He started to laugh hard. 

'You think it's a joke?'

'Sorry y/n... why are we here?'

'Nobody knows', she said. 'I want to play ten questions with you... We can know more about each other...'

'Oh.Well... What's so interesting about me?...', said Harry.

(A.N: Fill the blank, what do you like in Harry the most?)

'It's not because you're popular and so on... ', she said as Harry's heart thumped faster. 'Just because you are, ____________'

'how sweet!', exclaimed Harry.'Your turn'

'Who was your first kiss?', she said.

'It just happened minutes ago, from a beautiful girl sitting next to me', he said.

'I WAS YOUR FIRST KISS!?', she said. She felt guilty right then, hers was Theodore Nott.'That's-- that's nice...Me being, the boy who wasn't unalived's first kiss! Damn!'

'The boy who wasn't unalived?', repeated Harry. 'Nevermind. Who was your first kiss?'

I hope it's me, thought Harry.

'I'm sorry, Harry..', she said. ' It's a bitch who was mistakenly named Nott', 

'Oh.It's no problem...', said Harry.

'I don't consider it a true one...', she said.'But you...', she looked into Harry's bright green, almond shaped eyes. Harry's lips parted. 'Gave me that feeling... I was like...overwhelmed... I felt real for the first time...', her eyes were welled with tears.

'Y/n, Don't get emotional... It's okay... Let's go to the game', Harry said.

'Fine...', she wiped her eyes. 'My turn. If it wasn't for me, who would you rather date?'

'I'd rather not date anyone', said Harry. 'I'd rather stay single for the rest of my life, to date someone who's not Y/n'

'oooh I didn't expect that...', Y/n said with a smile. 'Your turn, Harry'

'Well...', Harry thought. 'Why didn't you date Nott?, I heard he confessed his feelings'

'That Bitch!...He's such an Arsehole!', Y/n temper was risen. 'He and my hell-of-a-brother planned... Planned to...'

'Planned what?'

'Draco and Nott, they planned together...', said Y/n. 'Nott had a crush on me from the very start. Since I liked you, He wanted to impress me, by taking me to the yule ball. He bought a bouquet of my favorite flowers... Tulips', Y/n wanted to kick him. 'This bleached Ferret, he was allied with him 'cause he didn't want me to be yours either. He disliked you from the very start... I should soon find out the next fucking plan of theirs...'

'Shit!', exclaimed Harry. 'Since you knew what was in their minds, you figured this whole story out!?'

'Obviously', said Y/n. 'But, Promise me, Harry... that you won't tell anyone about my ability... I revealed it to you, because I trust you completely.'

'I promise. I won't'

'Back to the game then!... My turn', Y/n said. 'What ability do you have?'

'I think I don't have any--- Oh, Parselmouth!', said Harry. 'I mean, I'm a Parselmouth'

'You're a Parselmouth!?', said Y/n who was shocked. 

(Parselmouth-a wizard or witch with the ability to understand and talk to snakes, and the language is called, Parseltongue)

'I don't think it's of much use though...', said Harry. 'Next question, What is your most coveted object?... Don't say my name! I'm not an object!', he said as if he had read Y/n's mind.

'You know to read my mind Harry... but I love shiny things,..precious stones... and ___________'

'Well...your turn', said Harry.

'What makes you sad?', said Y/n.

'When I think about my parents', said Harry 'I don't wanna tell further'

'It's okay... Your turn'

'Hmm...Where will you stay during summer break?', Harry said, thinking hard about what to ask.He knew it was a silly question.

'You know... Andy's house. Andromeda Tonks', said Y/n.'My only aunt who cares about me'

'Andromeda Tonks is your aunt?', said Harry.

'She is... and Bellatrix too... do you know her?'

'Yeah, I've heard of her somewhere', he said.

'What about Sirius?, Sirius Black?', said Y/n. 'You must've heard about him...'

'I know Sirius', he said. 'He's my Godfather... My dad's bestfriend...'

'Your Godfather!?', said Y/n.

'Yeah... Seriously, I didn't know that till last year',Harry shrugged.

'Wow... He's a cool uncle', said Y/n. 'You know.. all the breakouts, and risky life... kinda cool'

'But, according to my calculations... you've never met him', said Harry.

'Yeah... but..', said Y/n. 'I wish Sirius adopted me...If only he was cleared of all charges...'

Harry sighed. Both of them wanted to live with Sirius....


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