001. woodsboro and flashbacks

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adeline pov

esmeralda smiled as she drove pass the sign of woodsboro after a very long drive, she couldn't believe she was back in woodsboro

"we're finally at woodsboro!" she happily exclaimed "it's so nice to be back in woodsboro"

"It's a nice town" adeline comment as esmeralda drove into town

"yeah it is we can explore town after we get settled down" esmeralda replied "I bet stu's jumping off the walls by now in excitement" 

"are you nervous? I mean, after what I told you?" adeline questioned and esmeralda hummed in thought

"a little but I've always knew billy was a bit psychotic" esmeralda told her "and your brother?" adeline asked

"stu's always been a bit peer pressured about things he always wanted to please people so I wasn't entirely surprised when you told me that stu was helping billy" esmeralda said with a sigh

"but I am going to kick billy's ass for involving my baby brother into his shit" esmeralda added

"you can't tell him that we know we don't know how he will react" adeline told her "you can't tell stu either" adeline added as esmeralda glanced at her

"I won't tell them" esmeralda promised making adeline nodded "okay"

"we're here!" esmeralda said excitedly said parking the car in the driveway

the front door was swung open and esmeralda exited the car "esmeralda!"

"stu!" esmeralda said with a small scream as adeline watched as the twins wrapped their arms around each other tightly she got out of the car and saw another boy walking out of the house

that was billy loomis adeline knew how he looked since esmeralda showed her the pictures

billy smiled before he frowned as he noticed adeline he slightly narrowed his eyes and she narrowed her eyes back at him both clearly disliking each other

"I missed you so much! look at you you've grown!" esmeralda said pulling back from the hug and stu let out a small laugh

"I missed you more esmeralda you had a glow up" stu told her making esmeralda giggled before her eyes landed on billy

"billy boy! did ya miss me?" billy smiled "I don't know" stu let out a small laugh

"oh, he missed you he didn't stop talking about you since he learned you were coming home" stu told her "snitch!" billy hissed out and esmeralda laughed before she pulled billy into a hug

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