Chapter 5: Like Father, Like Son

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After long days of camping on the road to the Ethereal Delta, it felt like a luxury to spend an evening under a warm roof. Aurae and Taylin had a beautiful home in Tavir Bay, deep in the heart of the wondrous city. I was in awe of the architecture and design of the place. The main room was wide and circular, the wall paneling was a unique blend of blue and green metals with long stretches of copper piping carrying water and steam to power the mechanical devices that seemed to be connected to every part of the house. In the center of the room was a round table, carved from a wood I did not recognize and etched with complex and dendritic designs. In the middle of the table was a small copper disc with a spherical blue crystal set into the center. The mosaic of rectangular stone tiles beneath our feet was warm, even through my traveling boots. I suspected that there must be piping underneath that used the steamy water of those pipes to keep the main rooms comfortably warm. 

"Your home is incredible, Taylin. I haven't seen anything like this before." I said as I marveled about the room. I passively wondered what the purpose of the device in the center of the table served. 

Taylin waved her hand near the entryway and a device behind the wall whirred in response, a panel in the wall opened into a closet to hang up her cloak. "My father built this house before he passed." She said, matter-of-factly.

I considered whether it would be rude to ask about her real father. In truth, I knew very little about Aurae and Taylin's life before they had joined our family. I hung my coat beside Taylin's and decided I wouldn't ask about it. Aurae and my father had already taken a seat at the table and motioned for us to join them. 

"Are you two hungry?" Aurae asked, her right hand hovered over the blue crystal that stood as the centerpiece of the table. There was another whirring sound, and the light within the crystal blinked for a moment. My jaw must have dropped when one of the rectangular floor panels beside Aurae's chair retracted in on itself and a tall stone shelf extended upwards. Aurae turned towards the shelf, each little alcove on it was lined with fruits and leafy vegetables. I decided that it must be a pantry.

My stomach rumbled, although I didn't recognize any of the food on the shelf, I could definitely use a meal. "Oh, I'm starving!" I exclaimed, forgetting my manners. In my temple, we were taught to be grateful for our meals, and never to express our hunger too loudly lest we seem gluttonous to our peers. 

Aurae smiled at me as she gathered a selection of leaves, nuts, and oddly shaped vegetables into a silvery mixing bowl. "I hope you enjoy our food, then. It does my mind good to be around such spirited young folk for a change. Your precocious nature is refreshing when I think about the rigidity of the council." She said as she divided the mixed salad into four silvery metallic serving bowls. 

As she handed me one of the tasty-looking dishes, I lowered my head, still feeling a bit ashamed for speaking out so openly in the council meeting. Though Aurae and my father had assured me that I was not in the wrong, it wasn't in my usual nature to be so outspoken. "It just bothers me that nobody seems to be looking into one of the greatest mysteries of our shared past," I responded, poking at the salad with a copper fork.

My father leaned back in his chair, beaming with pride. "Now you know what Aurae and I have been trying to achieve for all these years." He said through a mouthful of crunchy leaves and nuts. After a few moments of quiet eating, my father spoke again. "Idian, I'd like you to accompany me to the medical center tonight. We can perform some of our Aurashine duties together."

I watched my father and Aurae exchange some long glances, and I wondered if they were having a mental conversation that I wasn't privy to. I could not get a read on their expressions, but I thought I detected some concern in the eyes of my step-mother. "Of course, father. What sort of medical center is it?" I asked, enjoying the salad despite it having flavors I hadn't experienced before.

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