Tamar Mahoa

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Lore: Born into a broken home, Tamar always had violent tendencies as that was all she had known. Her best friend Violet had always been by her side however, so Tamar had used her infamous reputation as a threat to any who would harass her friend.

As a way to mend relationships with his daughter, her father Quinn had taken Tamar hunting with him, which she expressed interest in after. And so, the trials began. She learned quickly, becoming a fierce huntress, almost dancing with the blades, ropes and clubs. But Violet saw something in her, a madness. Something that lusted for blood, but she kept to herself, happy to see that her best friend had finally reconciled with her father.

But then one day, Violet hadn't showed up to school. Tamar was confused, Violet wasn't a "nerd" per se, but she had never missed a day of school. She silenced her concern, there was a stomach bug going around after all. But then one day turned to 2, and two turned to 4. By the end of the week, she had had enough. She went straight towards Violets home, blade ready and hidden, as she always had it.

She approached the house and knocked, only met with hushed whispers from the other side of the door. Her father had answered after a few long minutes and stated the Violet is not well and to please leave. Tamar didn't buy it however, she could almost smell Violet in the house. She pushed the door open with such force that the father almost fell over. Tamar marched over to Violet's room and there she saw her best friend, in a state of catatonia. She walked over, much lightly this time, and knelt before her friend. She asked in a hushed whisper "Are you alright?" Violet looked over, shook her head no and faced back towards the wall. Furious, she demanded more information from Violet's father. Then her world cam crashing down.
Violet had been assaulted.

Tamar demanded to know who had hurt Violet. Her Violet. The father didn't know. Then Tamar had an idea. She demanded to know if any of the attacker's belongings had been found. To this, she was met with a "yes". A beanie, but no hair in it sadly, useless for DNA testing. Tamar then promised if he handed the beanie over to her as well as telling her the place of the attack, she would bring justice. The father, torn, had agreed.

Finding him wasn't an issue for her. She went to the place and looked around. There she could see just barely visible footprints, invisible to the human eye. A quick sniff from the beanie had allowed her to clarify that this was the trail. The march along his footprints had only taken an hour before she found his house. She clarified with one last sniff. The scent from this hat is all over this home. She almost gagged from the scent. She did some light recon. He appeared to be the only one living here, and so she found a back window to break and climb into. Cutting the power was almost as easy as finding his room, full of his stench. Stalking him in the dark of the house wasn't needed, but she felt curious. However due to her quickened pace to keep up with him, she knocked over a carelessly placed mug.

Aware he was no longer alone, he shouted, demanding to know who was there. Tamar had replied from the shadows, stating that the "harbinger of his fate" had arrived. She acted swiftly, subduing the man in a headlock, blade of her knife to his throat. In a hushed whisper he begged for mercy, which infuriated her. He would plead for mercy while Violet's pleas were ignored? Then she thought about Violet. How disappointed she would be that Tamar would take a life. Tamar's grip lightened, then fell apart. She turned and walked away.


Before he could relax his breath, she turned around and plunged the knife into his chest. He fell to the floor, choking on his blood. She stood over him, looking stoically at the pathetic man. She thought she'd feel something, anything. Anger. Disgust. Shock. Fear.


She felt nothing. No human emotion at all. Then she realized. She wasn't human. She was human before, but not now. She is something greater now. Something that will purge the world of evil. She isn't a saint, a devil, an angel or anything else.

She is an apex predator.

Now all she wants is to find her next prey.

Summary: Tamar was once a normal girl born in the 1960s. But after her first kill, she found pleasure in ridding the world with evil. Now, she is a bounty hunter, taking the hits of those who deserve it.

Description: Tamar Mahoa is Hawaiian. Standing at 6'4, she has long black hair which she keeps in a messy ponytail. With this, she wears a crop top cream colored shirt with blue ripped jeans. She has grey eyes and multiple cuts across her body from her numerous hits, both on humans and monsters. One notable cut is located on across her lips.

Her vigilante form has her wearing a silver skull mask with red lenses. Her clothes are traded for a ragged array of messy clothes with metal armor seen beneath. Her hands are covered with thick working gloves.

Personality: Tamar is cold and calculated, never showing an emotion during the kill. Her civil side is seen when hanging out with friends, showing a stark contrast between her murderous alter ego. She appears to be more reserved, never bubbly or extra happy.


Superhuman Senses: Tamar has accelerated senses, such as smell, sight, hearing and taste. These lead to her being a brilliant tracker, as her senses are so sharp she can see things a human could never.

Isolation: Tamar could channel the power of the concept of "Isolation". Upon doing so, Tamar could silence the abilities of her opponents. People marked by this with shortly show red static across their bodies. This affect last several minutes but by no means is permanent.

Metal Manipulation: Whether by nature or artifact, no one but Tamar knows how she can manipulate metal objects, bending and controlling them to her will. Her most notable use of this is by using it to summon her signature hunting knife, although she could use her power to force scrap metal nearby into weapons.

Immortality: As with all Titantheriacs, she is immortal. She could only be killed by the hands of another Titantheriac or a monster of such degree.

Fun facts!:
- Tamar is cousins with Tanner Iven

- Tamar despises guns. She hates the idea of a life being taken with a trigger, as that is not dignified

- While born in the early 1960s, she is accustomed to today's world, seeing technology as a miracle

- Upon having a blood sample of her prey, she could see them through walls. This however, dries the blood, making it useless

-Tamar is asexual but is questioning. At this current moment, she claims she is aromantic.

- Tamar holds the concept of "Isolation"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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