Chapter one

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Mal narrates: It was a sunny day in Auradon. The birds were chirping,Jay was singing....

Lonnie(teasingly):Jay was singing! And our ears didn't fall off?

Mal(annoyed): LEMME CONTINUE!

Mal:And we were bringing 4 new Vk's to Auradon. Right now you might be thinking. BUT MAAL YOU OPENED THE BARRIER! CAN'T THEY JUST PASS TROUGH? Well yes but there was an "Incident" that caused us to close the barrier..........

FLASHBACK:Queen of Hearts: Off with your heads 😈 👿 MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Mal:I think you see why.

Ben:Mal come quick! We have a council meeting in 5 minutes !

Mal:Well I have to go. Lonnie please don't blow up the room when i'm gone .xca

*lonnie did exactly the opposite of what mal told her to*

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