First Day

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You remember your parents mentioning living here before, but after years of moving, you lose count of how many towns you've been in. But your mom insisted that this may be your final home, and you would usually be excited by that. But this is Japan.

And you don't know Japanese.

Luckily the school hosts their classes in English, and the students speak English, but you assume you can at least try to learn Japanese. You spent most of your childhood in the United States, so you found it very hard to believe that you used to live Buraza Town. Even harder to believe that you used to speak Japanese. Your parents rarely talk about your time in Buraza, and if they do, it's in vague responses or unimportant things. You guess they had problems in their marriage.

Your dad works as a businessman, but you're not sure what company he works for, as he is always moved around. He never liked the idea of leaving you and your mom behind, so he always brought you two wherever he was sent. You didn't like the idea of being  place to place, but your mom reminds you that you got to travel more than most did in their lifetime. You chuckle to yourself, leave it to your mom to remind you to be grateful.

Your mom puts her seatbelt on, "Are you excited for your first day of school? Your dad has told me nothing but good things about this place!"

You put your own seatbelt on, "I'm just a little nervous." You eye some kids your age walking, "Do you really need to drive me to school? I can walk mom..."

Your mom frowns, "I want to be there on your first day, honey. I have little time with you before I start working."

You look down guiltily, your mom was always the type to make a big deal out of first days. "I just feel out of place, people don't drive to school, they walk here."

"Who cares what others think? They'll just get jealous. Besides, we're just about there."

You look over and quickly realize how nice the school is. You don't need to be too close to see just how big the school was, the gates covered most of the view, but you could see sakura trees. Your mom notices your shocked face, "I told you it would be nice."

You get out the car and your mom wishes you a good day a school. You slowly walk into the gate, admiring the beauty of the trees. You wish you could tell the landscape designer that they did an amazing job with the horticulture. As you continue your way in, you realize that the school is HUGE, and you might have some trouble navigating through the school.  You assume that the school is two to three stories high?Well, at least you know what your locker number is. You quickly find it and leave your shoes and bag there, it's 7:15, so you know you have an hour to spare. Though you're not sure where you could go... You stand at an entrance where you see a big fountain in the middle with yet another beautiful landscape. You can only stand to admire the beauty of it all.

"You're new here, right?"

You spin around, meeting eye contact with a smiling black-haired boy. You laugh, "Am I that obvious?"

He chuckles, "Just a bit. Every new kid does that when they see the courtyard." He extends his hand, "I'm Taro Yamada, what's your name?"

You shake his hand, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

He lets go, "Nice to meet you, you need any help finding your way through the school?"

You quickly nod, "That would be great."

He starts leading you into the school, "It'll be a long walk, but I'm sure it'll help you find everything easier.. What class are you in?"

"Class 2-1."

He points up, "Oh, well that'll be upstairs."

The both of you head up and he shows you your classroom. He also decides to show you some clubs. He explains that while he isn't in a club, he thinks it's a good idea for you to join one anyway. "You could pick up some skills and make some friends that way." He points to the Martial Arts Club, "I could never see myself joining that club, Budo is nice and all, but I heard he makes them work down to the bone. I'm not athletic anyway."

You scoff, "For a guy who isn't in a club, you sure know a lot about them."

Taro chuckles, "I'm a really indecisive guy, I can never choose a club. My friend Osana always yells at me about it. Though I'm not sure why, she isn't in a club either. She might be in the same class as you, I think you'll like her."

"What's she like?"

"She's...special. She tries to act tough and all that but she's really just a big softie. She's pretty shy around new people, but I think you guys will get along well. "

You nod, "Is she here?"

Taro shakes his head, "She said something about an appointment, but she should be here tomorrow. I'll introduce you guys." He quickly checks his watch, "Wow! It's almost eight-thirty. I should go to class now, I'll see you later! Hope you have a good first day!"

"Thanks, I'll see you...around?"

He smiles and waves before running off to class, you figure you should head to your own class too, being late on the first day would be bad.

A black-haired girl watches you run to class, she doesn't look too happy. Her fingernails dig into her palm. "Just who are you?" She grumbles to herself. Her brain is full of thoughts–bad thoughts. She schemes in her mind before being interrupted.

"Ayano Aishi, shouldn't you start heading to class? The bell is about to ring." Ayano turns around and resists the urge to roll her eyes. Of course, Kuroko Kamenaga, the strictest student council member, would tell her to go to class. It's barely eight twenty-five.

She fakes a smile, "Oh yeah! Guess I lost track of time! I'll go to class now." She turns and rolls her eyes, isn't Kuroko usually in class by eight? Whatever.

Kuroko starts heading to class herself, she's not sure why she needs to keep a close eye on the new student, but the student council president demanded it.

"Hmm..." It's not like she's that special.

here's chapter 1 guys ahaha

lmk if there's any errors because i just wanted to push this out, and lmk if y'all have any ideas o wtvs

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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