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Summary: JJ meets Y/n and falls in love; little does he know she has secrets. By the time he finds out it's too late.

I was walking with the Pouge's when I saw a girl in a bikini watching me with a smile. "Shes checking you out" Kie nudged me. "Sure" I rolled my eyes, "No she's not kidding" John b agreed. "Guys" I groaned; Pope looked over. "And she's cute" Pope nodded, "guys let it go" I grumbled. "She's coming over" Kie shook me, as the cute binkied girl walked over. She walked right by me and dropped her phone. She didn't realize and kept walking.

I picked it up to give it to her, but she was gone. "How do I get this back to her?" I asked my friends, "She works at the country club I think" John b said. "Cool I should drop it off there" I shrugged, "with your number in it" Pope looked at me. "I don't need help getting a girl" I pushed him.


I went to the country club and sure enough she was there in uniform leaning on the counter. She spotted me, "what's a guy like you doing in a country club?" she asked. "Just returning your phone" I handed it to her, "thanks" she took it. "I'm JJ by the way" I said, "Y/n" she smiled. "Not to be bold, but your cute can I have your number?" she asked, "yeah" I nodded typing it in her phone.

"Let's plan a date" she looks at me. "Yeah" I nodded, "tomorrow the wreck 3:00?" she says. "Yeah, my friend owns the place" I informed her. "See yah Maybank" she waved; how does she know my last name? I walked out feeling giddy. I went back and told them what happened, "Thats my boy" John b pushed me onto the couch. "Nice" Pope nodded, "okay I swear if you go to that date in work boots I with skin you" Kie pointed at me.


I sat and the table and Y/n sat across from me. I found myself laughing at her jokes and enjoying all her company. "JJ I really love your company" she smiled. "Wanna walk to the beach?" she asked, we stood up and walked out and went to the beach. "So, what's your story?" I turned to her, "my story, my mom and dad passed away a long time ago. It bothered me for years, I found coping and I still use it to this day. I lived in California; I moved the outer banks for an adventure and was hooked" she shrugged.

1 month later.

I was in her apartment. "Hey, I have to go to the bathroom, see you in a minute" she smiled walking off. I walked to her bedroom hung on the walls was newspaper reports of disappearances of boys. Blonde boys, "Y/n what is this?" I asked, she walked in. "Oh, I'm really interest in this investigation, the past few years blonde boys have been disappearing in California, and a couple here" she explained.

"You lived in California" I said, "yeah, I was following the case there to, it's part of the reason I'm here. Who goes missing next and when you know?" she smiled, "yeah" I nodded. I sat down on her bed, and she joined me leaning into me. Kiara, and John b showed up. "Why are they here?" she said looking slightly annoyed. "I dunno" I replied.

The let themselves in, "I'm Y/n" she smiled at Kie. Kie made an unsettling face. John b made the same. "Hey guys me and JJ were just chilling make yourselves at home" Y/n put her arm around my torso. "Sure" Kie mumbled, the two sat on the couch. "Sorry if it smells bad, Pouge life" she shrugged. "JJ, it's kinda problem say bye to Y/n we gotta go" John b abruptly stood up. "Bye Y/n" I kissed her cheek. 

"Bye" she smiled as I left with my friends, "I don't trust her" Kie said in the twinkie. "She gives me the creeps" John b agreed. "I like her" I retorted, "JJ something is off I feel it" Kie shuddered. "I'm telling you Shes not right" she continued, "Kie shut up" I yelled. "Sorry" she whispered. That night I decided to go back to Y/n's. "Where are you going?" Pope asked, "Y/n's" I replied. "Fine don't listen to us" Kie snapped.

I started walking and invited myself in, I saw a light from the basement and went down. On the wall I saw post it notes. 'Drop phone for him to pick up', 'ask him out?'. 'Become friends with his friends?'. She planned to ask me out, cute. I looked at the next wall and a bunch of photos of me from a far during the school year were everywhere. It said 'JJ Maybank' in big letters. Wtf. 

I looked at another wall, it said 'other victims'. Was she talking about Boyfriends. I looked closer and realized they were the boys that had gone missing and had been murdered. "Hey babe" she said behind me causing me to jump with fear. "Hey baby" I turned around, "I made tea want some?" she asked. "Sure, um what is this?" I questioned. "Oh, more of me following the case" she explained, "then what's the wall over there about me" I continued. 

"JJ I'm worried what if that killer comes after you, I don't want to lose you. So, I'm trying to connect dots" she replied. I kissed her cheek, and we walked up stairs and I drank horrible tasting hot tea. I felt myself getting dizzy, "hey babe what's in this tea?" I asked. "Why?" she looked at me. "I'm dizzy" I responded, "come lay down" she helped me up. She walked me toward the basement stairs.

"This isn't your room" I said, looking at a blob that kinda looked like her. "I know" she whispered shoving me down the stairs. I blacked out, I woke up in the corner of her basement. "Holy shit" I said distorted. "God your stupid" she smirked, "you fell for every trick" she spat. "JJ you never understood, you were next. I was following the case because I wasn't about the get caught" she shook her head laughing.

"You killed those guys" I whispered, "duh" she rolled her eyes. I stood up and went to attack her, "go to sleep" she said stabbing my stomach causing me to fall to the ground. "It should have been obvious" she squatted down next to me. I looked around the fading room, all the pictures made sense. She turned the knife and I let out a cry of pain. I saw a closet and tried dragging myself to it wanting answers. 

She opened the door for me, "these are items of all the boys, a wallet, a hat, a hoodie, and watch and from you something small. A pack of cigarettes" she whispered in my ear pulling it out of my pocket. I closed my eyes.

3rd person Pov

JJ closed his eyes and didn't open them again. As Y/n took his body throwing it in the ocean she came home and the Pouge's were at her door. "Can I help you?" she asked, "Yeah where's JJ?" Kie asked. "I dunno" she shrugged, "he said he was coming to your house" John b added. "Well, he never did, is he okay?" she asked. "No, he's gone, it's only been a few hours but I'm worried" Kie shook her head. "Call me when you find him?" Y/n looked at Kie sad.


It had been a few days and Y/n was watching the news. The blonde 17-year-old boy JJ Maybank was found in the ocean a couple days ago washed up on shore and tattooed across the young boy's arm is coping.

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