Arranged Marriage

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This one is more from Kay and Keigo's point of view, I'll do Koy next time


Kay yawned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. It was a Saturday, and summer break, so she wanted to relax a bit in her room when her phone went off. She looked, seeing there was a reminder it was her birthday. "Oh no...that's today..." She said with a sigh. It was her 16th birthday, and she knew her mother arranged a hero marriage. "It's probably going to be Hawks...he's the highest hero that's not married..." she mumbled to herself as she got dressed. 

After getting her clothes on, she left her room, going to the dorm common room where she saw her friends and brother, who seemed just as grim as she was, though their friends didn't really understand. "Why are you two so glum? It's your birthday!" Denki said with a smile. "Yeah! You should be happy and excited!" Mina said, smiling as well. "Well...we would, but...this birthday is different..." Koy said, pulling his phone out and showing a text from his mother. "When our parents went back to America, our mother signed this 'Hero Marriage Arrangement' for us, that when we're 16, we'll marry the top heroes that aren't married or already have kids, so we're going to be forced to marry people..." he said with a sigh. 

"Oh...wait, but you guys are dating people," Kirishima said, looking at them. "Doesn't matter...the contract states that as long as we aren't married, we have to go along with the arranged marriage," Kay told him. " least you know you won't marry my father, I don't think he divorced my mother and he has children," Todoroki said simply. "So...that means you'll end up with Hawks...and I'm most likely ending up with Mirko," Koy said with a sigh. "You're complaining?! You're going to marry a total babe and you're upset?!" Mineta asked, looking at Koy, who glared at him. "Considering I'm in a loving relationship, yeah. I am complaining." He said, Mineta gulped a bit. 


Hawks was getting ready for the day, in the bathroom brushing his teeth when he got a text from the Hero Commission president. "Hey Ommi, I gotta meet the boss," Keigo said, spitting the toothpaste into the sink. "What does that woman want now?" Ommi said from the bedroom, getting dressed. "I dunno, she just said that I have to discuss some contract or whatever, shouldn't take too long," he said, getting his tank top and jacket on. "I'll see you soon, lovebird." 

"Don't be too long, papa bird." 

The two kissed before he left through the window. He took his time as it was early morning, unsure what this meeting was about. After a few minutes, he made it to the building. "Heyo, I'm here," Keigo said, the President of the Hero Commission was there with Lanni Minti, who didn't seem impressed. "So, this is the top available hero?" she asked. Hawks looked at her for a moment before making a realization. "Hey, do you have a kid named Koy? He did an internship with me. Great kid, told me you were a b-" 

"Hawks, this is Lanni Minti, and yes, she has a son, however, today we're going to discuss her daughter, Kay Minti." 

"Yeah, Koy's told me about her." 

"Good, because you two are getting married." 

Hawks blinked a bit, seeming confused. "Uh...I'm sorry, what? If I remember right, she's in high school." Lanni looked at him with an unimpressed expression. "I got married when I was 16. It is traditional, you will marry her in 3 weeks." 

"Sorry to break it to ya, but I have a girl." 


"No, just dati-" 

"Then it doesn't matter, my children have partners but they know the rules. I suggest you learn them too." 

Hawks narrowed his eyes and then looked at the president. "She can't be serious, I never signed this contract." "No, but we did, saying the highest, unmarried hero with no children will be wed off, most heroes do this with their children to have strong heirs," the president told him. He wanted to fight this but knew there was no way. "Can I at least talk to her and get to know her?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Yes. You will meet every day until the night before the wedding. You can ask her whatever questions you have." Lanni tells him. "Hm...okay then, and she can ask whatever as well." 

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