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Elana pulled out her phone and snapped a picture, she put her phone away and tried to enjoy the rest of her evening. "who the fuck is Charles Leclerc and why is he identical to Percival?" is the only thing she could think. 

She opened her phone again and searched up Charles Leclerc, A Wikipedia page popped up and she tapped on it. "Charles Marc Percival Leclerc" what the fuck? She opened messages and texted Charles.

 "hey Percy, did you wanna meet up at a café, i found  a nice one at this mall?" he replied quickly. "yeah what mall?'" she texted him the location and he arrived 15 minutes later. 

She stood by the poster, and he walked up to her not noticing anything. "hey Charles." he stopped in his tracks, "how do you- fuck", he slowly walked towards her like a wounded puppy. "what the fuck?" she whispered in his face.

 "i can explain" he mumble quietly. "oh you fucking better mate or i swear to the heavenly father above" she sternly said walking ahead to a café. the pair sat down and got a coffee each. "i was worried that you would use me for money or fame so i pretended" he said simply shrugging his shoulders.

 "why the fuck would i do that I'm as rich if not richer than you, I'm the most famous ballerina in the world, I've performed for the fucking queen and her husband. Why would i use you?"  she said angrily leaning in to whisper.

 "i understand that and I'm sorry i didn't even think about that, i was just so used to my girlfriends dating me for 6 months breaking up with me and it was all for money or fame." he said apologetically. "what ever I'm not like them i thought spending five minutes with me was clear enough, but that's fine. Charles fucking Leclerc i never want to see you again, i want you to know from the bottom of my heart, you are the most horrible, untrusting selfish people i have ever met." she gets up and walks away, Charles still processing her words lets her leave. 

 The next few days were filled with dread for the both of them. The night of the performance came and the show went smoothly, the theatre was packed and filled with smiles. People that paid for boxes had been given access to meet Elana, she took picture with most of them and got some flowers. The last group came and it was four boys and two girlfriends. "Hi I'm a really big fan, my names Lando Norris, this is Arthur, George and max, next to max is Kelly, she loves you the most and next to George is Carmen."

 she greeted them all with a hand shake, they took pictures and chatted for a while, they seemed to get on really well. Elana felt her mood rise due to the conversation and invited the group out for dinner, her treat.

 They went to a restaurant recommended by Carmen, when they arrived they got a table and ordered. The group talked for hours laughing, Lando and Arthur flirting with Elana and telling stories.

 The night ended and she exchanged numbers with the lot. Elana went back to her hotel and checked in, she had a shower and got in bed.

 "hey guys this is Norris." a text popped up on her phone, Lando had added them all to a group and called it "Elana's fanbase." They all talked for a while and went to sleep. 

Elana was falling asleep easily when......                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Princess of Monaco (Charles Leclerc story)Where stories live. Discover now