◈Mist and Shadow◈

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A heavy fog blanketed Torch Key, giving the town an eerie feel as Seonghwa strolled down the streets in the early afternoon. He contemplated removing the glamour he was using to keep himself hidden from those passing by, appearing more as a trick of the eye than a solid being.

The momentary thought was quickly dismissed. Seonghwa was in no mood to receive the gaping expressions humans normally had when they were in his presence. At least, not until he met his target. When that moment arose, Seonghwa would make himself known.

What should have been a brief stay in Torch Key turned into weeks, all because Seonghwa's curiosity was piqued by a young man with a maniacal twinkle in his eyes. Over two weeks of following this stranger around, keeping tabs on a plan he was secretly concocting had become Seonghwa's obsession.

It reminded Seonghwa of his life back in Allivar as a youngling, gathering secrets of fellow nobles and figuring out how to use that information to his advantage. It was a useful tool for Seonghwa over the years as he trained to be his father's successor.

However, after what felt like a millennium of nothing but the same conversations with the same people whose smiles and kind words never seemed genuine, Seonghwa had grown restless. Then one day, much to the court's surprise, he walked away from everything. The throne, his birthright, most of his power, everything.

It wasn't until that fateful night just two weeks before that any ounce of doubt that Seonghwa had begun to feel evaporated completely. He could sense his true purpose reaching out for him.

Like every day recently, Seonghwa found himself walking down to the harbor, straight for the massive vessel docked in its usual spot. He could hear muffled voices aboard the ship, which was a good sign.

Walking around to the stern, the arched windows of the captain's quarters came into view. Seonghwa didn't bother glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching. If his glamour failed him in this moment, the heavy fog would be cover enough.

Releasing a relaxed breath, Seonghwa bounded up into the air, reaching out to grab hold of the windowsill. His movements produced very little sound, allowing him to remain hidden from those dwelling inside. Perching himself as comfortable as he could, Seonghwa listened intently to the conversation happening on the other side of the window.

"Is there a reason we have to wait until Dunnes arrives at the gambling house for us to speak with him?" San asked Hongjoong as they sat with Yunho around the bed where Mingi lay. "Why can't I simply approach him at his house?"

"People are always more guarded with strangers when they're in their own home," Hongjoong explained. "Besides, there's a specific item I need to retrieve from Jun before we make our way to the gambling house."

The doors to the captain's quarters opened then, with Bembe walking into the room, still looking vibrant despite working to heal Mingi's wounds with little rest.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," she said as she moved over to Mingi's side, placing a hand gently on his forehead.

Hongjoong shook his head as he stood up. "Not at all. San and I were just about to leave."

"What about me, Captain?" Yunho asked.

"I need you to remain here for now. We cannot risk Dunnes seeing you in my company, not before everything falls into place."


"I would be happy with some assistance," Bembe suggested, giving Yunho a warm smile. "And I'm sure Mingi would like some company other than me."

"Trust me, Bembe. Your company has been pleasant," Mingi mumbled, a slight rose hue appearing in his cheeks.

Chuckling lightly, Hongjoong patted Yunho on the shoulder before walking out of the room with San. As the two men wandered toward the tavern, Seonghwa followed at a distance. He was curious what item Hongjoong desperately needed in order for his plan to move forward.

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