It is not a regular song.
The lyrics is so you and someone else.But,
I listen to it based on me and myself perspective.
It's like I'm talking to myself, stop doing what others want you to!
This is your life!
What do you actually want?
What does actually makes you happy?
What kind of ending do you want in your life?
Spread positivity?
Help people in need?
It's time for you to stop being a pupa.
Trust yourself.Believe yourself even when no one will support what you want to do.
Believe yourself even when no one will carry you for your goals.
Just, believe yourself even when they threaten you.
Even when you have no one at all left.
Even when the person you love leave you.
Let them leave.
Let them go.
Let them laugh now.
Let them judge now.
Let them think you are crazy right now.
Or even high.
You have have you and that's it enough. You're enough.
And that is the most powerful keys to enter happy life.
Love yourself.
Treat yourself.
Spoil yourself.
Take care of yourself.
Heal yourself.
Be there for yourself.
Because life is actually between you and yourself,
How you commit to yourself.
That is what every person life work actually.
This song is just something else if you're imagine you're talking to yourself.
One day, they will respect you for because you believed in yourself.I wish you all the best.
Keep the fire in yourself burning.
Keep fighting!