Chapter Three

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I watched Lucy as she rubbed her neck in the spot where I bit her early. It looked like was pretty painful and pretty deep. I was surprised she didn't bleed out from that. I remember hearing it from somewhere when A dragon slayer bites a potential mate, they won't bleed out. This does explain why Lisanna wouldn't stop bleeding after that fateful night. The night everything for me and her went downhill. I start to wonder if everything I've done up to this point a mistake. I hear Lucy get up from the bed and head towards the bathroom. She stops at the door and looks at me. Her famous smile showed as she placed her hand on the door.

"I'm going to take a quick shower." She said with a smile.

I smiled back and nodded. She went into the bathroom to go take her shower. Me and Happy stayed quiet until she had turned the water to take her shower. The exceed turned to me and sat on my lap, giving me a deep stare. I tried to look away but the blue was pretty hard to ignore. I look at the cat and sign, patting him in the head.

"What's wrong Happy?" I asked, he just sat there, arms crossed.

"Happy, I can't help you if you don't tell me." I told him.

"Natsu, you bit Lucy like you did Lisanna. Are you trying to kill her?" He asked.

"What, no, I didn't intend to go as deep as I did." I said, blushing a little.

"But why did you bite her?" He asked.


I had to stop and think, Why did I bite her? She probably would have believed me that I smelled a dragon slayer scent that was in the room. Meaning there was someone else there who was worse than all of the other dragon slayers we found combined. The initial reason why I bit her was to show her that it hurt to get marked by a dragon Slayer. Then my mind wandered to protecting her, if she bares a mark, the others would stay away. Especially if it was my mark to begin with. Then there was the actual reason a dragon slayer marks their mate, because of love. I may have blown my one chase of marking her properly but I'd rather safe.

"There's many reasons. To prove a point, for protection and maybe even love." I admitted. "More for protection though."

Protection. Something I wasn't able to provide Lucy for a few months.

"But why did she need protection now more than ever? Even though we dealt with crazy people you never seem to have the need to go to extreme." Happy asked.

"Because there was another person in the room who was a dragon slayer, and a dangerous one." Natsu said. "He was quite possibly the one that went to arrange the delivery of that girl. Which was the reason why we were able to find the girl without any incident. The quicker we get out of here the quicker I'll feel better. We need to get Lucy out of here." I explained to the blue cat.

"Do you think they are really planning to just the sell the girls?" Happy asked.

"Well, it seems that way but let's be honest. Is it ever that simple with us?" I asked with a joking smile.

"Aye sir!" Happy said.

The water stopped in the bathroom and dripping noises came out. It was a little too quiet until Lucy started humming again. She came out in towel around her body and her hair wrapped into a towel. She sat down on the chair as Happy and I sat on the bed. For some reason I was feeling uncomfortable. I mean I've seen Lucy strak naked before but this made me feel weird. I mean weird like Lisanna and I are trying to get it on. I realized that this was probably the first time I got aroused by here. It's happened before but this time it was bad.

"D-do you want to borrow a shirt or something. I-I-I got extra clothes." I said, stumbling on my words.

"I can get Virgo to get me some clothes." She said, looking for her key.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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