Stage 1- Gained Freedom but at what cost?

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Kid Kiyotaka Pov:

At first, I cried, I cried because I was scared but then I realized that no one would come to save me.

It's a hellish place where I saw other kids dying in front of my eyes, I was scared of that but time by time, I just felt cold and felt nothing.

"ALL RIGHT EVERYONE, TRAINING TIME" Someone shouted out to every kid that was in the white room including me.

We all ran to the professor so we could start the training.

"ALL RIGHT EVERYONE, CHOOSE A PARTNER" the professor shouted but we all stayed quiet because if we said something or complained about it, they would get extra training.

So, again huh? I should choose Shiro to train with he is the only one who can give me a hard time.

I was going to Shiro but I suddenly got stopped by a girl.

"Hey, Ayanokoji wanna be my partner?" the girl asked me a question but shouldn't we stay quiet?

I just nodded my head and we went to the mat so we could train there.

We both took a pose for training but in reality, it was a fight and not training.

After taking our fighting pose, I used Karate, and she copied me, who is she?

I've never seen another person perfectly copy me except Shiro. She sure is interesting.

"Hey, Ayanokoji have you ever thought of freedom or so to say being freed from this hellish place?" She asked me a great question that never came to my thoughts

I replied and asked a question, "No, I've never thought about it, but I guess I will try so wanna come and escape with me?"

"Y-OUCH" She shouted in pain since I won against her but I couldn't control my strength, I needed to work on that.

I asked her again, "So what's your answer?"

"My answer is Yes, I would be happy to come with you" she answered the question that I asked her when I won against her.

I replied, "I see good to know but what's your name?" I asked her because I didn't know her name, is she new?

"Ah yes, sorry for not introducing myself, I am Yuki, your future wife" She introduced herself because of my question, but wait did she say <your future wife>?!?

I asked her cruelly "What do you mean by future wife? From the last time I checked, I never had one" but she never flinched. I am surprised since no one has ever not flinch when I talk like that or even show my eyes to them directly.

"Oh, sorry your father didn't tell you? but I was chosen to become your future wife since we were born, Kiyotaka" She answered me but with a smile, not any fake smile but a genuine one. But wait didn't she just say my given name? Well, your future wife can do that, right?

I replied to her question while trying to be cruel "No, he hasn't told me anything" but she was still smiling, well I guess I should trust her.

"Oh I see, what a pity I hoped that you knew about me or even knew that I existed," she said with sadness in her eyes.

Oh well, it's not my problem.

"Is it only you or someone else is like you?" I asked her curiously, there would be no way for 'that man' to be so easy on me.

"Well, I guess so, and oh, her name is Horikita I think it wasn't her given name but that's what I heard" she answered me but her hands were on her stomach, well close to it, and holding her other hand, I guess she is playing with her hands?

"I understand, but does she know me as well?" I asked another question, it is rude to ask questions nonstop but if she knows me then I would need to do something, immediately.

"No, she hasn't even seen you at all and doesn't even know your name as well, but her big brother knows your name" She has been answering my questions, nonstop but something is wrong.

How does she know all this? it's not worth asking she wouldn't answer anyway because of 'that man'.

"Fufufufu, interesting so what are you guys talking about?" I heard another girl's voice that was behind me, I looked behind and saw her moving slowly but why slowly?

Oh well, not my place to be asking her.

"What do you find so interesting?" I asked her a simple question because I was simply curious about what she found so interesting.

"Oh, nothing it's something you wouldn't understand" Her answer was quite straightforward forward but what did she mean that I wouldn't understand it?

Is it something complex? If it is then I would know

"Everyone, the first stage is done for now tomorrow you will all fight some professional fighters"

The professor said and once he completed his speech, he just walked away.

The first stage was training and the next stage was fighting, Is it the final exam for us? I wonder who will get expelled now.

Oh well, I should go to my room, but someone held my hand, I looked and it was Yuki

"fufufuufufu, good luck" Yuki wished me good luck.

"You too" I wished her good luck as well, but in truth, I was wondering why she wished good luck to me, out of all people.
But once I looked around me, the girl with white and silverish hair was gone to I don't know where.

I was in my room and waiting for the text stage to happen but it never happened so I just slept throughout the night.

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