Two ~ Deray Knile.

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After three miserable hours working down in the laundry unit, I found myself making my way through the halls towards our unit. My track soon stopped as Miss Eve walked toward me with a folder in her hands, and a smile on her face.

"Looking extra cherry today, Eve." I smirked. My smirk was popular here, well known to everyone. I either use it when I'm flirting, jokingly or when I find something extremely intriguing and intelligent. As of now, Miss Eve has always had it in for me, little flirting won't do any harm.

"Going to deliver good news." Miss Eve smiled. She was a small woman. No higher than 1.60m, she was skinny, few curves, definitely had boobs and an ass. Her hair was blonde and often tied into a messy bun. Not very prison officer like, but she was too hot for anyone to tell her off. She wore makeup, a lot of it. And literally got her finger nails painted with different patterns each week.

"To me?" I smirked, looking over the papers which she then turned away from my gaze.

"To Thompson actually."


She nodded.

"She never gets good news, what's it?" Miss Eve bowed her head and went to take a step, to escape from me. Until I stood in front of her, my mouth only inches from her ear. "Come on, you can trust me. I haven't told a sole anything else you've said to me... Or did to me." That smirk playing on my lips again.

Miss Eve gasped quitely, then shivered at my hot breath against her neck. "It's her parole... Forms. Her paroles coming up."

"Not very good news is it." I stepped back, my eyes still locked with the beauty in front of me. "I mean, the outside world is shit." I shrugged my shoulders, then smirked.

"You'd know, how?"

"It was shit before I came in here, shit when I got out, still shit now." Indeed. I got out of here once. Lasted only a week because the white mafia were out to kill me. Fucked up my parole and that was the end of that. Thrown back in here like an old coin.

"Problem?" Officer Leo walked toward Miss Eve.

"Uh, no. Just warned Knile here about littering, sir."

"Knile should no better. Get to ya unit." He spoke with a stern voice.

Officer Leo was unlike the rest. He was a cold hearted asshole. He spoke to all us like shit, expected respect in return. The way I see it, ain't no one get respect until they deliver it in here. He was old, I guess. Old enough to be the grandfather of the young ones in here, including myself. He wore glasses, that were fogged up half the time because he literally had steam coming out his eye balls. I guess we could say, he was cruel.

"Whatever. See you, Eve." I winked then trotted away from the two.

Honestly, being locked up here, you gotta find ways to have fun. Getting on Officers nerves, pranking the Governor, crawling in the library and fucking up delivers in the kitchen. It's all fun, a few months onto our sentences, what's there too lose? Barely any of us in this shit hole have lives out there. No family, no money, no were to go. May aswell make our time in here, enjoyable.

Otherwise you'll end up like old Ruby. Never did anything but stick to the rules. Suck up to all the officers, barely spoke a word to anyone else. Came right back at her when we had to blame someone for everyone's mistakes. She ended up dying in here, got to old, too stressed, too many times being in the SHU. Old bug was better off in Heaven than here.

I guess the SHU isn't such an awful place. You get fed, a bed to sleep on, even if it is concrete with a thin mattress. Definitely better than being threatened to be killed by an Asian pact because you didn't get the drugs for them. I'd do anything to be locked up there right now, but I can't let my weakness show.

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