Chapter 1: Unexplained Enigma

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WARNING: This is completely biased and as far as unreliable narrators go, I am as unreliable as it gets. This is based on my observations, theories and opinions. I will be honest, but these are the truths I know and can change as I write this.


My life consists of many constants, my family, my best friend, and Dustin Clarke.

I absolutely loath Dustin Clarke, he is arrogant, conniving and evil. You don't believe me? Well you should. Who is Dustin Clarke you ask? Well before I can talk about Dustin I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Jamie Lee. Actually the name is Jasmine but everyone calls me Jamie. I mean Jasmine really parents? Really? What am I a Disney princess!? Come on!

I digress.

I am 5'2" and awesome. Ok, that sounds conceited but I am. Well, at least to my friends. I am a bit of an overachiever and all around meddler. I am very dense and cannot flirt to save my life, but hey what's a girl to do. I mean if u want to ask me out you should be upfront about it.

I have long black hair and dark brown eyes. I think I can classify myself as cute. I am what you would call confident. Not that there aren't days when I look and feel like I have walk through hell and back. Then other days when I feel like a short supermodel but most days when I see myself in the mirror, I think cute. Which I believe is a good state of mind to be in. I have light brown skin and I am half Korean and half Sri Lankan. I live in the lovely state of New Haven, Connecticut. I am a junior at Yale University. We have lived in the same house since I was born. Almost every milestone i have had has happened here.

About this character study, it wasn't like I just decided to make this out of the blue. I'm getting graded for this. So anyone thinking that I have gone a bit excessive, I'm not really! I'm making this for my creative writing class. Professor Kim you're probably reading this right now. Hi! Enjoy! I really love your class (please give me an A). Kidding. Ok, back to my explanation. Professor Kim asked us to write an online journal on a mystery in our life. My life isn't really filled with many unsolved cases or unexplained enigmas. So I decided to write about the only person in my life I don't understand. After many years stuck with him and still being unable to figure him out I decided to keep a character study of the one and only Dustin Clarke.

Here's hoping that by the end of this I can finally say that I know what goes on in his weird brain.

Dustin, like me, is 21 years old. Freakishly tall, like 6'2" or something. I guess he is fit.... Just barely. He has short brown hair and ridiculously blue eyes. My mom says his eyes are expressive but I think that they look like lifeless frozen ice. His skin is mostly tan from the morning jogs and swimming. Purely from a scientific standpoint he is aesthetically pleasing on the eyes. I guess.

He has thick lashes that curl up naturally. It's unfair really. How does he have such seriously long lashes? His clothes are usually jeans and a top, these days he mostly wears sweaters. At least he dresses like a normal person. His hair is messy and his smirk is in place. He is now smirking at me, with an amused look on his face. I HAVE BEEN SPOTTED! Oh I forgot to mention I'm typing his physical description while in the cafe with him standing across the room. I may have scrutinized him for an unnaturally long time as I was taking this down. Damn it, he is walking this way. I will continue this after I shake him off. I will give a play by play of any and all interactions I have with him from now on.

I am back and I have realized some annoying facts. 1. I am seriously not subtle. And 2. He is never going to let me live this down. So here is how everything went down after he spotted me.

After walking up to me he asked, "Jamie, What are you up to?"

"Nothing," I stated with my eyes opened a little too widely to be convincing.

He gives me an incredulous look and raising an eyebrow, "Really? Cause it looked like you were staring at me."

I rolled my eyes and said "I was not staring at you. I was looking at the window that was next to you."

"Oh OK, and why may I ask were you squinting out the window and checking it out?" he said with his stupid smirk.

"I was not squinting or checking anything out, just the stupid eyelashes...." I cover my mouth before I dig myself deeper.

He smiles like the cat that got the cream "I didn't know windows had eyelashes Jamie."

I give out a defeated sigh, "Fine, you caught me. I was looking at you. Happy. Well, really I was looking at your sweater." I say thinking quickly.

"My sweater?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah, it's nice."

He gives me another look and shrugs. "Fine" he say while he starts to lift his sweater up.

I jump up quickly and grab the bottom of the sweater to keep it in place.


Trying not to laugh he says "What? I'm giving you my sweater."

"I don't want you sweater or to be traumatized. Keep your clothes on. Please." I say while trying to keep my cool. People were starting to stare at this point.

"Aw Jamie, I'm just teasing you." he says with fake innocence. Then realizing that we are still standing close and with me still holding on to his sweater, he smiles down at me, and he boops my nose!! Who boops people's noses!? He then walks out leaving me there trying to compute what the hell just happened.


Authors Note: Hey guys, this is my first time posting a book. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading it :)

Update: Sadly my time is spent mostly surviving my Accounting class but I will try to update it every week.

Edited by: Isuri Soysa

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