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Year: 2025
Location: Texas somewhere in the forest

John 14 years old POV

Me and my dad Ford are packing our things and he is destroying his research because the Korean People's Army from the Greater Korean Republic have invaded the U.S and the KPA has send troops in Texas too. My dad want us to go to his secret safe house in the woods in case of emergencies and he also have to hide his research and to hide me from them because of my "Ability" the reason why they were after him because he was once a Scientist working at Jurassic Park but in 1993 after the incident he had retired and he thinks that the Koreans are coming after him for his research and used them for their dark deeds.

Ford: John you got your stuff?

Me: Yes dad I got everything

Ford: Good now let's get out of here befo-

He was cut off when we heard vehicles heading towards our house we look at the window and see military vehicles outside of our house we then saw Korean soldiers coming out and we saw their commanding officer

He was cut off when we heard vehicles heading towards our house we look at the window and see military vehicles outside of our house we then saw Korean soldiers coming out and we saw their commanding officer

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Me: Dad how they found us?

Dad: I don't know son but stay here!

My dad went outside of the front door and he had a pistol and a smoke gernade behind him.

Dad: What are you guys doing on my property?

The Korean officer came forward

Officer: My name is Commander Jungkook and I have come here to give you a offer

Dad: What offer is that then?

Jungkook: We know that you used to be Scientist working at Jurassic Park and we offer you and you're research can help us and your people so what do you say?

Dad: Well I don't think so I heard what you guys are really doing and I am not giving you my research and I am not working for you.

Jungkook: Well I give no other choice

He took his pistol out and his troops have pointed guns at him

Jungkook: I give you one last chance join us and give us you're research our we will take you're son

Dad: Then I have one more thing to say

Jungkook: And what is that Mr. Ford?

My dad took out his smoke gernade

Dad: You will not take my son?

He then throw the smoke gernade at them and Jungkook and his troops have opened fire at him and the house  I took cover and then the soldiers stop firing and went over to my dad and I saw him had a bullet wound in his chest

Me: Dad are you ok!

Dad: I don't think so John

I heard Jungkook order his troops and they started to walking towards the house I started to get scared

Me: Dad what do we do now?

Dad: I want you to get out of here I will deal with them

I saw him pull out a detonator
I was shocked at this

Me: Dad what's that?

Dad: It's a detonator I set a bomb in the house if anything had happened like this

I started to cry

Me: Dad I don't want to leave you

Dad: John come here!

He give me a hug and he gave a necklace that belong to my mother I opened it was me as a baby and my parents holding me

Dad: Take this and go and don't forget me and mom are always with you

I then went out to the back door

Fords POV

I saw my son leave and I heard the soldiers coming closer to my house I look at my detonator

Me: Martha I will be coming soon

I then pressed the button

Johns POV

I heard my house exploded

I ran towards to the safe house

Me: Don't worry dad I will avenge you and I will liberate our home and our people

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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