please tell me if they're ooc im still figuring out how I want to write them

125 3 2

also Solar/nice Eclipse is called Eclipse for the whole story


"Alright, you two are about to be powered off in about 5 minutes before the procedure."

He never thought the day would come. Well, he knew it would, but it happened so fast.

Sun laughed in their t̶e̶m̶p̶o̶r̶a̶r̶i̶l̶y shared headspace.

"So, today's the day."

"Heh.. yeah."

Eclipse looked around the mindscape one last time. He knew it wouldn't be the last time, but it'd feel so empty.

Sun felt the need to say something, anything, but the silence said more than he ever could.

"You think you're going to miss it?"

Sun fiddled with his hands. "Miss what?"

"You know-" Eclipse gestured to the space around them, "this?"

"I mean.. kinda? It's hard to explain."

The two halves were silent for the rest of the time, both thinking differently about the situation.

Sun thought about the future. He thought about how they could work together at the daycare, ways they could bond with each other, maybe with a youtube channel! That'd be fun! Sun was almost excited to sepreate, but the nerves were still there. What if it went badly? No, Moon knows what he's doing, it'll be okay! Right?


Eclipse thought about the past. He thought about how they met, the first time he heard Sun laugh, the first time he felt love. Memories flashed by like a movie, replays of the past going by so fast, when did it start going so fast?! It feels like it was just yesterday that they met.

He wishes it was yesterday.

"1 more minute until the procedure starts."

Oh, right.

When did he start crying?

Sun ran up to Eclipse and gave him a tight hug as oily tears streamed down both of their faces. He returned the embrace.

"I love you, brother."

"... I love you too."

"Starting in 3, 2, 1-"

That was the last thing Eclipse heard before everything went dark.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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