Greed in the Heart

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*you wake up in your messy room, haven't cleaned it in months, you chuckle to yourself about the dream you just had, then you get out of bed and start getting ready for the day*

"Yeesh Can't even walk in here", " You say to yourself as you leave the room, out of your apartment, you decide you want to buy a thneed at the factory, so you go do so.

You get there and walk around, trying to find a yellowish one not seeming to find one. The, you bump into a strangely tall man in a green suit short black hair, blue eyes and large ass top hat. "Ack! so sorry!" The man appears to be fine but you on the other hand are bleeding just a bit on your arm. "You're fine, I'm not the one who got hurt anyway" the man said in a sarcastic tone "who the hell does this guy think he is?" You say in anger, trying not to burst. "The names Greedler, I own this factory." You clench your fists and you try not to punch him, "I can see that. Is it fun for you?" You ask in a almost rude tone. "VERY!" the Greedler exclaims as he walks away, you feel angry yet passionate towards Greedler. You decide not to think much of it.

SORRY IT'S SHORT AF LOL I'll make part 2 sometime latrrr 😭


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