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Nick(takes place a week after nick found out about Charlie's age reggreion)
TW scars,diapers?,anxiety
Charlie! Come on we are going to the shops remember? "Nuuuu I dwont want tu"
I realize char's in his head space he has been sorta distant with it so I act like I don't notice "char you can get toys and fun stuff I'll Evan get you ice cream!"
"Willy? Okay fwine..go?"
"Yes bub we can go" I coo before I can stop myself gosh this boy is so freaking cute I can't control it
"Hey Char before we go want to get dressed in something more cozy?" "Ya! Nicky hewp me?"
He has never wanted my help with this before im surprised he asked "of course bub!" I reply happily
We walk up to his room hand in hand and look till we find a cute bear shirt and pants, very fluffy! "Like this one buddy?" "Ywes!" "Want me to get you dressed?" I ask "he nods slowly then firmly I take off his top and put a shirt over his small frame scars lingering on his little body I feel enraged who would do this to my little boy?!i keep a stright face for his sake I go to take if his shorts but "nwo it okay I do it" "ok bud I just want you to know I'll never hurt you ok? You can trust me" he nods and says "okay nicky do it" I look to make sure he's okay with it he nods firmly again I start taking off his bottom and look at his legs..his thighs have scars more of them but they seem...self inflicted? I look at him with a question burning in my eyes "why bub?" I ask sadly he reply's almost crying "chawrwie bad not good, burden." My heart breaks in to at least a thousand pieces I knew he did not think highly of himself but never this.. "Char..Char come here bud" i pull him close him still only in his underwear but I did not care I could tell he did not ether, i hug him close and say as I look him in the eyes "Charlie I love you okay? And I just don't love anyone they have to be very special and your super special and Charlie you are not bad at all your a perfect little boy my little boy okay?" His big eyes look for sincerely for any trace of lie in my words but found none I could see he wanted to cry but was holding back I pull him back into a hug and tell him " hey's okay I love you okay? It's okay to cry you can trust me okay it's okay to let go.." soon Charlie is sobbing into my arms me holding him tight some stray tears of my own trailing down my face. Soon his Crys stop and I see his asleep my heart glows and darkens at the same time I dry his tears and change him into new underwear and bottom I remind myself to get nappies. I hold him on my hip and slide a binkie into his little mouth. I put him into the car seat and drive


Charlie just woke up he's on the couch I have just finished unpacking all the stuff as soon as I see Charlie awake I walk over and ruffle his brown hair "dada" Charlie makes grabby hands at me so I lift him up and swing him. Around happily and sit him back down and sit next to him but he climbs onto my lap witch I'm not complaining about."hey bub" I start "I know you might be feel but i think Mabye trying nappies might be good for you?" "Nu! Nu!" Char makes puppy eyes at me "please bub I'm not gonna force you but I think it will help please just try?" "Fwine.." that's all k get from my pouty little boy but he soon peeps out "dada do it?" "Yes buddy dada can do it" I smile and tell him to stay put and quickly put on power rangers his new interest,and run over to the bags and take the last item out well last two I guess,a (binky and some diapers)
I walk back over and take off his shorts and underwear all while he's entranced in his show and quickly change him into just a nappy and his onesie and slide a bear binky in his mouth as he happily sucks on it "good boy char! I will just be at the table if you need me yah?" He nods still looking at his show I laugh to myself great full I have this boy

TIMESKIP about 35min
I have finished up some stuff I promised mom I would do so I go check on charlie he has been quite quiet but he look fine he just had a weird look on his face "hey bub you okay?" "He nods but I think somethings wrong "do you need to go potty?" I ask he's probably afraid I will think he's weird if he goes in his diaper he quickly shakes his head but I reazlie that's exactly what the problem is so I sit next to him and pull him close to me and slowly massage his lower belly he tries to squirm away but I just slowly start to massage a big deeper I can feel him trying his best not to go it must not be the most comfortable for my baby but it will make him feel better if he does I keep softly rubbing his stomach then I feel him release and I sigh "Charlie did you use your diaper bud?" He nods tears welling up in his eyes "sowwy dada" he starts crying "oh no buddy it's okay that's what it's for I'm not mad that was good char! Good boy can I get you cleaned up bub?" He nods as I wipe tears from his eyes with my hands I check my watch 7:30 I should get him to sleep I quickly change him putting some baby powder on his upper thighs to keep rashes from hurting my baby and I put him on my hip and lay him in is bed explaining to my upset little bit why he can't go back downstairs and watch his show "sow?" "Sorry bud it's bedtime" "SOE!" "Hey we don't yell okay good boys don't yell" he nods sadly "if I let u watch extra tv then you will be cranky tommor and sleepy and won't be able to watch and play with your toys trust me on this char" " I'll Evan read you a BOOK!" "Willy?! Any book?" "Yup" "Otay! He grabs a book a new favourite of his and climbs into his bed and snuggles under the covers with me "omce apon a time there were three bears" I start reading not long after my sweet baby is asleep.

(Sorry for bad spelling)
(I do requests any requests I need ideas lol)
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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Age regression charlie-little nick-caregiver  please readWhere stories live. Discover now