Leave her alone

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{ your pov }

Me and Chris was out shopping since we was out of some stuff. We was in an aisle and Chris asked me get something, as he walked down a little bit to grab something else. As I grabbed the item and put it in the cart, I was waiting for him to get back.

I got on my phone when I felt a tap on my shoulder. So I turned my phone off thinking it was Chris but when I turned around it was my ex.

"Hey y/n long time no see"

I then nodded my head a bit uncomfortable

"Yea, it was been Chance"

"But I seen you and I wanted to tell you that I still love you a lot"

"Well I don't anymore, I'm actually here with my boyfriend"

I said looking around to see Chris coming back

"Well I don't see him"

Once he said that Chris placed to item in the cart.

"What's going on"

"Who are you supposed to be?"

Chance had said while pointing at Chris

"I'm her boyfriend, who are you supposed to be?"

He said while he walked over to me and put his arm around my waist

"Me, I'm her ex boyfriend. I just seen y/n and came to talk to her about how I still love her"

Chance said while laughing a bit

"Well sorry about that"

He said while he grabbed the cart and was about to walk away. When all of a sudden Chance grabbed Chris by his should and turned him back around.

When Chris turned around he pushed Chance. I then moved so I wouldn't be in the way.

"Look leave her alone she obviously don't want you"

Once Chris had said that Chance got heated. He went to go hit Chris but Chris grabbed his hand hitting him knocking him down.

They then got into a little fight until Chance tapped out. We then walked away paid for our stuff and left.
Leave requests

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