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You could feel the blood running down your arm as a doctor stuck the large needle into you, inserting more of that awful, terrible liquid...every time they held you down to put this into you, it hurt worse than any of the other tests.

You howled in pain as you felt the sensations coming back, the horrid feeling of terror filling your body. The black liquid in the syringe seemed to take years to be empty. You felt your whole body go numb as your vision faded...

You could hear distant voices calling you by the name- no, the number you were given

"55! 55, wake up! we have many more tests to run!" The doctor screamed into your face, your eyes wearily opened, you felt the cold tiles of the floor press against your skin. You blinked a couple times as your eyes got used to the light, the white, bland, light in this empty room.

After you were fully awake, the doctors ran the rest of the usual tests, agility, mental state, strength. These tests were fairly easy, yet you still wanted- no, needed  to get out as soon as possible. 15 years... 15 years of pain, 15 years of suffering, 15 years of screaming, you were 16 now, and you knew something was wrong.

An old doctor you had would tell you the outside world was dangerous, to never leave here, to always stay here and never leave, and that if you did you'd be tortured, or killed. Now putting those words into consideration, it sounds like the outside world was...The same as here, this wretched place...

You stared around your blank white walls, then you feel an unexplainable pain in your arm. You look down in horror to see your arm had been oozing with a black, oil-like liquid your screams were louder than any sound you've ever made.

Doctors rushed into the room, trying to help, but as soon as they walked in this oily liquid attacked them. Blood splattered against the wall as the liquid from your arm formed a barrier around you... you held your head and screamed as it slowly closed in on you.

You were in a void, endless and black, you felt numb, the only thing in your sight was the dark abyss that surrounded you. You attempted to move, but your efforts had no avail, you were stuck in this abyss with nothing but your thoughts. 

You thought about everything that happened, your life was flashing before your eyes, and honestly you felt like you were seeing the same things over, and over again. You seemed to have realized that your whole life has been nothing but an empty void of pain. suddenly you see a light, the light got closer and closer, and you were back in your plain white room.

You looked at the blood sprayed across the wall, remembering what happened before.

You suddenly realized, This was your chance! You could escape and see the world outside of these harsh walls! You went to one of the bodies and grabbed the I.D of the doctor, you slide it into the door card swiper and feel a sense of hope as the door opens, you run out quickly and down the white hallways.

You ran, and ran, for about 30 minutes until you finally found a door with a sign that said "Exit" above it. You swiped the keycard and ran out, your hope sank as you opened the door. The only thing outside was a large ocean...

then your hope instantly rises again as soon as you see a small boat. You run quickly to the boat, not looking back. When you get into the boat you look around at the buttons and knobs, you grab the key that was sitting in the passengers seat, when you stuck the key into the small hole next to the steering wheel the engine hummed.

{PLS, give any suggestions if you see this, and if you can think of a better name for this story! ty for reading so far! I might post the next chapter next week or so, this is my first writing, so I hoped you enjoyed!!}

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