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                                                  ♬=  play music (no music in this chapter)


After a lengthy few years of running from danger, Harriet had found herself drenched in it.

As her footsteps are heard echoing down the hall, Harriet thinks to herself; How in the world did I get here? Whatever did I do to deserve this?

She sighs as she checks behind her for any sign of the strange person that had been following her just two minutes ago.

When she sees there is no sign of the mysterious stranger, she takes this as a sign to rest.

Sliding down against the wall, Harriet breathes in through her nose and out through her mouth.

'Keep running.' A voice says from across the hall, causing Harriet to whip her head around.

The German-ish accent catches her off guard, making her blurt out the first words that come to mind; 'Bloody hell!' Her eyes meet a pair of blue ones, boring right into her soul.

'They'll catch you. Keep running.' The blue eyed boy, no more than 19, she assumes, looks at her. His bleach blonde hair falls over his face as he speaks.

Harriet frowns. 'Who are you?' The boy smiles teasingly, not answering her query. She squints, trying to place a face to the boy but not recognising him.

The boy rolls his blue eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. He sure doesn't look 19. 'Did you not hear what i said, stupid girl? You must keep running.'

Harriet narrows her eyes, crossing her arms to match those of the blonde boy across from her. A part of her wants to stay and wipe the cocky grin right off his face.

She weighs her option and concludes it better to prioritise her safety over her pride.

She rises to her feet, ignoring the faint snicker from the boy and starting to run.

Harriet is exhausted.

As she unlocks the door to her apartment, she sighs. 'Bloody hell.' She closes the door behind her as she enters, her old door decorations making a light jingling noise.

She tries not to seem skeptical about the letter on the table.

After a few more minutes of lingering, she makes an ultimatum for herself-- she could open the letter, or tell her friends about the strange encounter from earlier-- and she wants to do neither.

She paces left and right even more for what seems like an eternity, and eventually musters up the courage to open the letter.

It reads in scrawled handwriting;

Dear Harriet,

I hoped i wouldn't have to write this letter.

This is not a matter to dawdle over, so i will put it simply; you are in grave danger.

authors note: how was that? this isn't my first novel but i feel like it's an okay start. i will probably edit this when i've finished and cringe over possibly terrible writing ☃ none of my gifs are working so some might be random lol

xo, -cie ♥

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