The Change

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Chapter Twenty

The Change



It wasn't even something Will could pinpoint. It was everywhere. It was him. It felt like his organs were trying to escape his chest cavity. His heart was pounding in his ears. Very distantly he was aware that Zoe wasn't with him anymore. Where was she? Had she left him here? Alone? Why? They had promised they would never leave each other.

He tried to make a sound, but it came out thin and weak. He felt himself being lifted off the ground, then the dry hot air on his wet nose as he was carried away. He must have blacked out then because when he next woke, he was on the floor of a familiar house. Will screamed. He had shifted though he had no memory of doing so.

Something wet and cold touched his forehead and he batted at it weakly. His stomach rolled. Will gagged violently and a bucket was pressed gently to his torso as he sat up and vomited. It felt like he threw up everything he had ever consumed in his life. It just kept coming until he was dry heaving and bile was burning his throat. A large hand rubbed over his back. He looked up, his face sweating and hot. The hound was there, looking down at him with those deep dark eyes.

'B..Bran?' The word felt monumental. His stomach spasmed and Will leant back over the bucket.

'You are changing.'

Changing? No, he was sick. Why would he be changing? Will pulled back a little and tried to sit up straight. His eyes fell to the vomit in the buckets. Much of it was red and black. Red and black.

Oh gods. The fight. He'd bitten that... thing.

Will recoiled, nearly dropping the bucket. Bran took it from him and set it to one side. 'It is alright,' Bran said in his deep voice. 'I will stay.'

'Alright!?' Will shrieked despite how it made his throat and head ache. 'None of this is alright! I can't change! I'm going to die! Where's Zoe? I want to see her.' Hot tears streamed down his cheeks. It was amazing there was any liquid left in his body. He was aching all over, his muscles giving tiny electric spasms every few moments.

'She went with the soldier. Safer.'

Soldier? Bran had to mean Rob. Zoe had gone with Rob. A wave of hurt battled with the pain trying to shatter his body. Had Zoe really just left Will to his fate? 'She did not want to go. Both were in danger. Better this way,' Bran rumbled.

'She's... safe with Rob?' Will croaked.

'Safer,' agreed the hound. Will wanted to ask more when the pain somehow seemed to double. He keeled over onto his side with a hair-splitting scream. It felt like his bones were trying to burn out through his flesh. He tried to claw at his arms, but two large hands capture his own.

'It will be alright. Breathe, little fox.' Alright? How could anything ever be alright again? He was going to die. There were so many things he and Zoe had promised each other. They were going to be safe together, in the city. Will sobbed, the sound getting stuck. His body convulsed. He began to vomit but this time the only thing that came up was blood.


In a stripped-out gas station, Zoe was starting to come to. She groaned. Fuck, this had to be the worst hangover she's ever had, and she hadn't even had the joys of an alcohol fuelled mess beforehand...


'Will!?' Zoe sat bolt upright. The room swam violently. Her eyes slammed shut again in protest at the sudden movement and light.

'Jesus!' Rob yelped, apparently startled by her sudden revival. 'Are you trying to give me a heart attack?'

The joke fell horrifically flat, especially as she turned watery, blazing eyes on him. Rob raised his hands. 'Zoe, I know what you're going to say, but we didn't have any choice.'

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