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Jungkook looked at her and took the Homework

The teacher came in and everyone stopped what they were doing

Mrs.jinho : Everyone today our honourable Principal will be visiting our class to give everyone a news so please be on your best behaviour, because of that I have to go but please do not make any noise and meanwhile I'm gone everyone please read the your book , I'll come back and take a small test

Everyone sighed and reached their hands in their bag to take out their books

Jungkook also did but he realized he forgot to bring his book

"Jungkook? Where's your book?"Mrs.jinho asked

He stood up "I took it home yesterday to do my homework but I forgot to bring it"

Mrs.jinho sighed

"Yuwon dear can your please move your seat closer to his and share your book?"
She said

She slightly nodded and moved her chair

The teacher left the class

" Are you sure this is the chapter?" Jungkook asked

" Yes , We finished the previous one " she replied

" I see , I told Kyu to send me what I missed during my absence but he didn't send me anything related to the previous chapter , but I don't need to read this one , I have read it " He said and moved his gaze away

Yuwon scoffed secretly " I mean since you don't have anything to do , at least you could copy your absent work? "

" Kyu won't give it to me now" He replied

" You can take mine , I don't mind" She said and gave him the works

He took it and glanced at it for a moment then started writing meanwhile Yuwon moved her seat back

Their teacher came back

" The principal is coming , BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOUR! " She said

Just then their principal Mr.Jung entered

Everyone stood up and greeted him

"Today I'm here to tell everyone something extremely important, As your teacher said , So we will be having a Science program and you have to partner up this is something really important.Some important guests will be there to see it but the twist is you cannot choose your own partner because we have already chosen " He said and looked at the teacher

She smiled and said " Since our class have always been too 1 this program is just for us and your partners are written in the hallway notice board please make sure to check "


Jungkook came to Yuwon and said " Have you checked the notice board? "

She was taken back by the sudden talk
"Uh well no , not yet why?" She replied

" We're partnered up together " Jungkook said with a sarcastic smile

" You're kidding" She said and ran to check while Jungkook just followed her
"What the actual f**k is this shit? "

" Exactly what you're seeing " He replied

Suddenly Kyu appeared

" What's going on between you too? " He smirked

Both of them got scared

" Bro why you spawn like this? What are you? Zombies? " Jungkook said

" What happened with our Hyejin ? Are you her partner?" He said with a smirk
" Are you?something's gonna happen "

Jungkook smacked his head " Shut up, I don't know about Hyejin but Yuwon and I are partners "

" Owh! alright I see" Kyu said

Just then Hyejin came there to check the board

" Oh what are y'all doing here? " She said

" I thought you both soulmates were partners but turned out I was wrong" Kyu said

" Ugh Kyu stop shipping Jungkook with me " She said and ran away with a small smile

" Alright I gotta go " Yuwon said and left


She called her best friend Soyeon

" What's up with you? You left without even waiting for me today" Soyeon said

Yuwon blurted with a huge anger

" God!!! What happened? Who is it? Don't tell me it's Hyejin?"

" YES IT IS! Why does she acts like this?

" What she did today? "

" As always acting like a pick me , I hate her , she always get shipped with Jungkook and that kills me inside when everyone starts to ship them like an actual couple" She said will a tear suddenly fell from her eyes

" I know you like him but look Yuwon, you cannot get too attached to him it's only gonna hurt you he never talks with you , ignores you and is more friendly with Hyejin " Soyeon said

" I don't care , is it my fault that I love him? Is it? " She said

" No it's not , love cannot be controlled but you can do something to avoid it , try to ignore him as much as possible, do not sit with his , I don't care if he likes you or not but this whole hyekook thing is gonna kill you mentally and I don't want that so please listen to me" Soyeon replied
" I would have supported you but seeing how things are going, you need to try to control your feelings " Soyeon continues

What will happen now will Yuwon listen to Soyeon and take her advice? Or will she continue her science project with him? And get closer!


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