Chapter 4: Going to Elm street

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Previously on Chapter 3:

*Chilli began making pancakes for breakfast*

Bandit: *called everyone to the kitchen when Chilli made pancakes for everyone*

*After having breakfast Bluey, Bingo, Chilli and the rest of the family began packing their things for their trip to the Elm street, also packed in the kids stuff and all their things and not ready into the car, one problem was they couldn't put all the kids in the back, Chilli put Bluey, Muffin and Bingo in the back, Bandit drove the car all the way to the airport, Bandit had already told his mum to drive their car, Stripe arrived with his car with his family, Socks, Robin, Olvia and Franky, Bandit, Chilli, Bluey, Bingo, Stripe, Trixie, Muffin, Socks, Radley, Frisky, Bobby, Vanilla, Franky, Robin, Olvia, Frank, Nico, Octavia and Thomas arrived at the airport along with Chris, whom came with a taxi, Bandit, Chilli took the kids out and opened their boot to get everyone's stuff, Bingo went to get a trolley so that her parents can put their things in, along with all the kids stuff in one bag, Chilli thanked Bingo for her kindness and helpfulness, Muffin had to carry her things to things, Socks also began to carry her things, Bluey helped her parents, with all the bags and luggages, this made Bandit a bit tired but he was glad Bluey and Bingo helped him out with their packing and also helped Bobby with his things, making Chilli smile alot, Bingo helped her parents too and helped Vanillawhich also made smile too, Bandit also smiled at his 2 daughters becoming emotional as his kids are beoming adult before getting his passport ready to go to Elm Street, Both Bandit and Chilli looked for seats to sit on Bluey and Trixie whom is holding Socks sat in the seats behind Chilli and Stripe whom is holding Muffin, while Bandit and Bingo sat in front, Robin sat in the seat next to Bandit and Bingo sitting next to her was Franky whom was holding Olvia, Radley sat on the seat behind Franky, holding Bobby and next to him was his beautiful wife, Frisky whom is holding their daughter, Vanilla Nico and Frank sat behind Stripe, Muffin and Chilli, Frank, whom is is holding  Thomas deeply into his arms and his wife Nico, whom is holding Octavia in her arms*

Bingo: *holds tightly onto her dad's hand* Dad, I'm  scared

Bandit: *holds his daughter's hand tightly* I know mate, but you gotta stay brave too, I won't ever let you go ever

Bingo: thanks dad *smiling, still holding tightly onto her father's hand*

Bandit: *still holding onto his daughter*

*Flashback, when Bingo was 2 years old*

Bingo: *scared, crying* MUMMY, DADDY

Bandit: *heard Bingo crying, woke up* Chilli, Bingo is crying

Chilli: *woke up* let's go to her together

*Bandit and Chilli both enter Bingo's room*

Bandit: Bingo what's wrong

Chilli: what's the matter Bingo

Bingo: *Crying, runs to her parents* Mummy, Daddy, I had really bad dream, I tried looking for you guys but i couldn't find you guys anywhere

Chilli: *holds Bingo* oh, Bingo

*both walked to Bingo's bed*

Chilli: *sets her down to her bed* there's no need to be scared Bingo, me and Daddy are not going anywhere without you Bingo*

Bandit: There's no need to be scared kiddo, besides we'll always be with you and your big sister no matter where we are, even if you can't see us *touches her cheek* we'll always be here to protect you no mater what happens *sweet smile*

Chilli: do you want me and daddy to sing your favourite song in the whole wide world

Bingo : *lying down in bed* yes please mummy and daddy

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