(3) Norza's vow

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Norza's pov

Warmth. Even though he had been rained upon, for the first time in a long while he felt warm. Comfort. Maybe it was the one beside him?

Ever since the terrible day he lost her, he himself felt lost.


The younger Norza could hear his heart pounding in his ears, like a drum as he fought to survive the fall. His body begged for him to let go but he knew if he did, he would most certainly die. He had to live. For her and himself. The young boy clawed his way to the top taking advantage of the adrenaline,fear, and desire to save her to escape. He wasn't sure what happened to the dragon he heard it's roar and a loud crash before the place started to collapse. Luckily the rocks from the caves ceiling hadn't hit or fallen on Norza, a few created a safe spot to stand without impaling oneself on the stone spikes and crystals protruding from the ground. Once he had gotten to the top he fell over on his side wheezing from the exhaustion and pain his body was experiencing. How he hated climbing...

Norza shakily gotten up. He had no time for resting. He needed to find her. Something had happened while he was down in that ditch that might as well have been his death sentence. He blinked the dust from his eye and looked around forcing his feet to drag him around once more. He caught sight of the dragon-or well it's tail. The rest of it had been buried under its riches and the crystal spikes and boulders from above and around. Norza suddenly felt his heart lurch forward in realization. It couldn't be...she...she can't be under all of this too right?

He never thought he would ever feel more fear than he did since that event in the labyrinth. He could feel the anxiety and fear shake him to his core as his breaths came short and in quick takes.

"Y/n...Y/n where are you?!" He called out noticing his vision start to blur. He blinked quickly and ignored the weakness in his legs letting the concern over his friend carry him forward.

After running around the rubble and sealed entrance searching with his eyes over the boulders and such, he couldn't hold back the rising panic and fear he felt no longer.

"Y/N!! Y/n! Please....Where are you?! I'm...I'm here....please...say something! Y/N!!!" He cried out falling to his knees sobbing whilst his throat was sore. If he had seen himself he would have recoiled in disgust at the pathetic display. All that was on the poor boy's mind right now was her.  She was all he had left.

His eyes burned with hot tears as he gritted his teeth and glared at the rubble. The cold and dark atmosphere to the cave never helped either. It wouldn't matter. Even if there was a bright field of flowers and sunny skies none of that would have mattered if he'd lost her.

Norza began to wedge his hands in the boulders walking to different spots to feel if there was a small body somewhere underneath. He didn't know if he should have felt relief that he didn't find her amongst the rubble and waste. He took it as a sign that she was simply not in that area. She wouldn't have left him. She'd never leave him...she promised.

He had to find her and get out of this wretched cave. He survived worse than this. Starvation, being kicked and hit by bricks or other objects on the streets, to living in the dangerous mountain region where he often suffered from the extreme cold or being hunted down by the beast who lived there. He even survived his masters harsh training...there was no way he was going to die in a measly cave. Not like this.

With his half broken mind set, he began to furiously and rather desperately claw at the rubble. He would dig his way out with his own hands if it meant his or her survival.


By the time he had so painfully dug his way out, he was covered in dirt and filth. It was nighttime and the moon shone rather beautifully among the stars but he wasn't concerned with that. The young boy's breathing was haggard and he was more that exhausted. This was way past what his young and small body could handle in a day. He refused to rest and close his eyes though. Not until he found her.

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