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I Saw him talking with another girl today. I am not jealous cause to be jealous that person has to belong to you. I am just sad. Not because He is not mine cause he will never be. He rejects every beautiful girl in our class .This makes me feel that I will never meet his standard. He hates my presence so much that he always
hides his expression in front of me. But whenever I meet his eyes. I
feel like his eyes are telling something. His eyes show pure love.But I hope they were for mine. I Saw him taking flowers the other day.
They were beautiful. They were Shining like Sunshine. how i can
move on from the man Who is everything I want. the last day of
our college. on our graduation day. I saw him giving flower to a girl. My heart get so heavy. I couldn't bear it anymore. I left there before our prom. my heart started aching. Sometimes love also means letting him go .So I did.. you Can't Save what's stipping away by gripping it tighter, you'll just end up Crushing it. So here I am
wearing a beautiful wedding dress in front of the mirror. He left
but his memory stays. the memory of him slips away in my mind.
Then I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see a bouquet of
flowers with a note written "Congratulations Sunshine" on it.

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