Chapter 27

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Reid sat by his mother's bed, holding her hand and listening to her talk

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Reid sat by his mother's bed, holding her hand and listening to her talk. I watched from outside the room through the tiny window glass. I was giving them their privacy.

Nurses and patients roamed the halls. Their green and blue scrubs pass by me in a blur. I hadn't seen Reid's father since my grandma and I arrived at the hospital yesterday. Mary lay in the middle of her bed, staring at the blank wall.

I woke up on the couch alone, my grandma shaking my shoulder, telling me to get up. Reid had already gone by himself to see his mom when he woke up.

My grandma prepared a lovely breakfast of muffins and cinnamon buns to take with us.  She carried them in a basket like she was Red Riding Hood, bringing goodies to her nana. I chowed down on the sweet pastry, licking the frosting off of my fingers.

Reid stepped out of the room as my grandma entered it to talk to Mary herself. His eyes darted to me, the bags under them dark. I kept my back to the wall as he stalked towards me, eyeing the treat in my hand.

He stood in front of me, his frame towering over mine. I scanned him from head to toe, his brown hair shuffled and grey shirt tight on his chest and biceps. The black sweats he wore, hung lazily on his hips.

"You got something there," the rough pad of his thumb brushed the corner of my mouth. The icing rubbed off onto his thumb. He brought it to his mouth, tasting the frosting on the tip of his tongue.

My body warmed and buzzed under the gaze he held me captive. I gulped, looking to the side when a smirk slowly rose on his face. "Shut up," I pushed him in his chest, but to no avail did he move.

"I didn't say anything," he chucked, rooted in his spot.

"You know what I mean," I scowled, crossing my arms.

"You taste sweet," he grinned.

"That's the frosting not me," I rolled my eyes, pointing them anywhere but his face.

"I wasn't talking about the frosting." He chucked handsomely.

"Do you want me to kill you," I raised my eyebrows, turning my head to him.

"Maybe," he raised them back.

"Where's your dad?" I asked, changing the subject.

Reid shrugged his shoulders, "I couldn't care less right now. He'll be back from wherever he went. He wouldn't abandon my mother." He placed his hands on my waist coming closer and invading my space.

The door opened and I really pushed him away this time. I sent him a glare before wiping my face of emotion and resuming a neutral expression.

"Your moms asking for you," my grandma told Reid. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to come over. I'll have dinner waiting if you're hungry." She patted him on the back of his shoulder.

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