" What are new friends ?"

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       (Y / N ' s POV.)

Another day, lets hope this one isnt as boring as the others. It actually might not be, im moving to the house closer to my mothers hospital. Pity there was no single homes for cheap, now i have to share a house with 4 boys, its probably a farm in there, they probably dont know how to keep themselves together let alone a house. I just hope mom is okay right now.

I should get out of bed... fucking hell. I got up out of bed, rubbing my eyes. I walked into the bathroom, looking into the mirror, i looked insane. I turned my head and took one step, hitting the shower door with my head.

"Oh god this place is small.."

I undressed and took a cold shower. I like cold showers in the morning, it wakes me up. I got out of the shower, getting dressed in my usual clothes. I stared at the luggage in my room, then grabbing it and going to my car. I placed the luggage in my trunk, then getting in the car myself, having to do a 3 hour drive for my destination.


Im finally here.. is this the right house? ... A guy wearing a green hoodie walked outside all smiley and then waved at me happily. Its definitely the right house. I parked my car, getting out of it and then grabbing my luggage from the trunk.

- EDD'S POV. -

Todays gonna be a GREAT day! We have a new roomate ariving and i hope they'll have a really good time here. I havent told the others and i dont think i will but.. they'll warm up to her im sure of it! I wait and wait and nothing, until i hear a car outside! Like a dog , i ran out and it was her! I waved happily to her, but all i received was a very small wave back.. its fine!  I walked to her, going in for a handshake, and she shook my hand. My smile never went wider when she smiled while shaking my hand.

"Hello! Are you (y/n)?"

- Y/N's POV. -

I shook his hand smiling, and then he spoke out, asking me if im the new roommate. I then replied:

"Yes i am"

I hate my accent, it actually sucks man. Judging by his reaction he wasnt expecting it. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped open for a second, but he went back to smiling.

"Well im edd! Its nice to meet ya (y/n)!"

"Its a pleasure to meet you too, edd."

Then, 2 guys walked out and beside edd. They were both taller than both of us, the tallest out of the 3 being a guy in a purple hoodie ,a green overcoat , a sharp jaw and ginger hair. The other one was slightly shorter than the other, he had dirty blonde-ish hair and black eyes? Thats weird. His hair was spiky and he wore a indigo hoodie and he looked grumpy. The taller guy spoke out:


"Hey edd! Whos this?!"

Edd: "Its our new roommate! Meet (y/n)!"

"Why didnt you tell us about them."

- The grumpy one spoke out.

Edd: "because of uhh.."

Matt: "ITS FINE! Hi! Im matt!!! And the guy who looks mad is tom!"

Y/n: "Hello! Nice to meet both of you!"

Y/n reached out her hand and shook matt's , but tom left her hanging and remained with his hands in his hoodies pockets. Y/n slid her hand back to herself, raising a brow at tom and giving him a mean stare.

Edd: "Welp! You should come inside! Let me show you 'round!"

Edd said, dragging y/n to the house as tom and matt walked behind them. When edd finished showing y/n around the house, they got to y/n's room.

- Y/N's POV. -

This place seems nice , and honestly well kept. Oh, now its time for my room. I walk inside the room and it was pretty average sized and very nice with 2 windows. There was already a twin bed and a closet in the room, which was good. I left my luggage in the room, and as i was still in it and facing away from red, i turned my head slightly and spoke.

"Hey, wasnt there supposed to be four of you?"

Edd: "Oh , yeah! Thats -"

??: "Me."

Someone emerged from the shadows behind edd, they were shorter than both me and him. I turned my body completely, taking steps towards the both of them.

"And you are??"

Edd: "tord!"

Tord: "hello edd! Whos this?"

Edd: "This is our new roommate! Y/n!!"

Tord seemed to examine me with his eyes, i dont like him.

Tord: "Nice to meet you y/n, im tord!"

He shook my hand and i shook his back smiling. Tord and edd then seemed to chat about something quietly, and then edd spoke up.

Edd: "Lets let our new mate settle in, eh? Cmon tord"

They both walked out, shutting the door. Now im alone... ill just unpack, itll be fine..

Word count: 855

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